

Buckets Feature Update
The Buckets feature has been discontinued and will soon be removed from the Admin Panel. Although the Buckets page may appear accessible, it is non-functional and will be deactivated soon. 

Please consult the Device section in our Knowledge Base for updated information and guidance.

Bucket is where the data from your devices is stored. When a device is created, TagoIO automatically creates a bucket for it with the same name, description, and tags.

Data Retention

In the General Information tab, you can select the period of retention for the data for the bucket - data older than this period will be automatically removed. 

There are two types of databases that you can choose from when you create a device. Select the type based on the expected function as described below:

1. Device Optimized Data [Immutable database]

By selecting the immutable bucket, you can store up to 36 million data points per device. This bucket is highly optimized for short and long retention periods; the query responses are faster, which means less latency for the devices and a cost reduction when running an analysis. Also, as the data is immutable, no one can change or delete individual sets of data – this being ideal for compliances.
Data stored in the 'optimized device data' can only be removed by the data retention policy.

2. Managed Data Optimized [Mutable database]

By using the mutable bucket, you can easily edit or delete data.
Some notes about this mutable bucket:
  1.  it doesn’t have data retention,
  2. each bucket size is limited to 50k data registers,
  3. it is optimized to be used for the storage and manipulation of configurable variables coming from devices, web services and forms.

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