Highlight Rows in Dynamic Table
It would be great to have rows both highlightable and clickable on both the web and mobile apps. On the web app, a single click should highlight the row, while a double-click should open it in a vertical layout. On the mobile app, a single tap should
Metadata Table Widget Request
Hello I am proposing an idea for Tago to make a new widget called a Metadata Table Widget. This widget would allow users to select a main variable and then select/define a nested metadata object to target. Then the table would dynamically create table
Custom button confirmation popup
Hi, In my opinion, it would be very interesting if the custom buttons had the possibility of having a popup asking for confirmation, just like the default button in dynamic tables.
Soil Moisture Map (similar heatMap widget but only for soilMoisture)
Dear Tago Team, I would like to have a widget, similar to the heatmap but that controls soil moisture based on the data logging sent by the sensor. The value in the scale must be from 0 to 100%, using the colors as shown in the image (Soilmoisture Index)
Make more widgets clickable to navigate through dashboards
@Phil Gutierre Hey all! This feature request came from one of our customers, take a look and let us know your thoughts! “The same way it’s possible to add an URL for some widgets like Tile, Map and Image Marker, a good idea is to add the same feature
Add "Jump to Current GPS Location" Button on Map Widget
I would like to suggest adding a button to the TagoIO map widget that allows users to jump to their current GPS location. This feature would enhance the user experience by providing real-time positioning with a blue dot indicating their current location.
Dynamic Widget Title
@Vincent Raaijmakers Instead of a fixed text, it would be great to have dynamic the device name (label) as title. This works great using blueprint dashboards as you can add a number of widgets on your dashboard and get the title automatically set. V
Test Decoder Feature
Under the Device>Payload Parser and Integrations>Connectors tabs, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to have a small tool that allows you to input a payload and port number to test if either the default Connector decoder or any custom parsers are properly
Inverted option to chart type widgets
Will be nice if we have a option to invert the chart type widgets. In some customers cases we have to create a inverted chart, forcing us to do a custom widget, but we lose all the nice features that the chart widget have. I think the Tago chart use Apache
Mouse scroll to zoom in / out in the web client
Hello , It would be nice if we could in the web client zoom in and out using the mouse scroll on the map of known last positions of the devices in the dashboard Wajih
Export Connectors
@Vincent Raaijmakers Can you please add Integrations to the export selection list: It would be very helpful to export custom connectors or networks. Thanks! Vincent
Resizing or horizontal layout in phone app
@Andrés Hello, I have talked about this in the community before and also other people have, but I guess this belongs here. The look of the dashboards in a pc is great, everything is quite adjustable and resizable which makes using Tago in the browser
Preset time interval in custom widgets.
Will be nice if we can set preset time interval in custom widgets, and, consequently, enable the calendar icon in widget header. With that, will nice too if we can set default time to data, like in charts widgets.
Widget preset time intervals
Hello, it would be very nice if the preset times could be set to more meaningful time frames. For example, the presets buttons that would be most helpful would be "This week", "Last Week", "This Month", "Last Month", "YTD", "Last Year", "This Quarter",
Folders in Device List
I didnt find such Post in the community and maybe i am alone with this feature request, but i gonna post it and maybe there were alrdy some similar requests/ideas/future request. The Filter Function is workig great and it helps if you name the devices
Add filters to dashboard and that these filters are applied in all widgets
For example Date (Year, month, day)
on Line Chart... can you add a reference line that is an AVERAGE?
I didn't see any averaging formula in the pulldown for reference lines. It would be cool to do something like this: average($VALUE$,20) as an example. Where 20 would be the number of prior values to average.
Tago RUN - Hide My account
I would like to propose an option to hide the "My account" menu in the Navigation Bar for the RUN Users. The reason is, I want to have a single user for many people, thus avoiding that any user can change the settings of this comum user account.
Maps widget with a circle around the location
Dear all, I had to draw a circle around the device last location and did some workaround: 1. added a variable to the payload, "range" as a fence format: { "variable": "range", "value": "Range: 36.75", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -46.63629,
Chart Style Improvement Ideas
Hello, I'm loving the improved chart functionality and just have a few additional feature requests. 1) We're using a multiple axis chart and would prefer to use a fixed axis. However, it appears that the scale of the fixed axis applies to both Y axis
Sidebar logo
Dear Team, I would like to suggest the possibility of changing the sidebar logo according to the user (maybe by a tag or something like that.) In my case, I have to use two different profiles only because one of my clients asked for its logo to be fixed
Address Map Widget - change default location
The address input widget currently defaults to TagoIO headquarters in Raleigh. We know where you are :) For users in other countries, it would be nice to be able to change this default location on the map to be more relevant to their customer base. I
Compass Widget
Hi, It will be useful to have a compass widget added to the types of widgets available. Can be useful in displaying wind direction in weather stations, for example.
Good Morning, I have being trialling your platform, and I must honest, the alerts i did set.. all responded when the events took place I was wondering.. if Gateways can be monitored on your platform, or when will this feature be available please. My team
Make csv & excel exporting slave to the widget settings
It would be extremely helpful if the CSV & excel exporting features were slaves to the widget's chosen timeframe, ascends/descends in columns, and visible column filtering. This would allow for easy manipulation of these widgets and then allow users to
Share one Python script accross all server
Hello, I would like to suggest to provide one specific place, like a library, to put all my code and use few methods from it in different places accordlingly. It would be great for me to be tracking and updating the code from one single entry point. As
Add option to send a message to the device whom was triggered from MQTT from Multiple Device tags
Hello, it would be great if an option to send a MQTT message to the device whom triggered the action. In my application, I would have one variable name for all devices with specific tag. This variable from any device would trigger the action and send
Terms and conditions
Hi I would like to add a required field on my user login page that requires the user to check a box indicating they have read the terms and conditions before they are allowed to login. These terms and conditions could cover things as listed below: Acceptance
Extended Level Label Functionality
It would be very beneficial to be able to apply a formula to the cylinder widget label when you choose the variable option for level labels.
Change the field type device multiple
I would like to suggest an improvement in field type device multiple, because every time the user select an option the window closes, and select one more option becomes more difficult than it should. I think the best idea would be keeping the window opened
Add variable label option to Map Widget pin settings
Hi all, Motivation for my feature request: I've recently created an overview map with a blueprint device that shows all the last reported locations of all our trackers. The problem I'm facing now is that there's no way to quickly find out what device
Duplicate Alerts
The ability to duplicate an alert and have the abiltiy to associate new devices similar to duplicating dashboards.
Heat map for GPS devices on the map widget.
Hi, I would like to request a new feature for the map widget. I would like to see a heap map for the gps geo-location points. This heat map can be used for example for grazing pattern analysis, see attached image. Regards Annia
Update Map widget to show multiple GPS Devices when using Blueprint Dashboars
Hi, I would like to request a feature for the map widget to show multipel devices on a map when using the blueprint dashboards. For now I have to run an analysis script that creates a new device that stores all the gps information in one bucket from all
Reporting Module
I think a good idea would be to create a reporting module on the admin side that allows the creation of in-depth reports via a drag/drop interface utilizing the existing device data, widgets, and files on tago. You could utilize the already created widgets
QoL Suggestion - Allow user to interact with lists pasting data
Hi, When dealing with lots of elements in a multiselect list (for example, a list containing a huge amount of devices), usually we get to select elements one-by-one or ALL the elements in the field. But what if, for example, I have to select 40 devices
Filtering by device for Map Widget
Currently, You can filter based on Tag when showing devices in a list. I think this feature would be very powerful for the map widget, but I have not figured out a way to do the same thing. What I would like is to create a pin that only shows the last
Extend Email service to include full attachments
One of the problems with the Email service in TagoIO is that attachments are not really attachments - they end up as a link back to the Tago file (bucket) system. This is potentially insecure and some organisations (e.g. local government) block such links.
Device List Widget
Make the device list widget clickable. More specfically if a user chooses to show the Name of the device you should also be able to click on that name and it bring you to whatever link the user ties to it in the setup of the widget.
Multiple y-axis feature request
Hi, I wonder if it is possible to have 2 or more different y-axis? E.g. left y-axis for temperature values between -10 and 40 degress Celsius and right y-axis for relative humidity between 0 and 100%. This would be very important in many practical applications
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