Connector Overview

Connector Overview

Connectors enable you to create a device with built-in behaviors that allow it to communicate with a Network very easily.

They also help you automate and scale your devices, once you create a device using a connector, that device will also run the payload parser of the connector to decode incoming data.

Creating a connector

To create a new connector you must go to the Connector management page and press the following buttonon the right side of the page.

You need to specify the connector's name and the networks that it belongs to.

You can specify as many networks as you like as long as at least one is selected.

Once you have the connector created, you have several parameters that you can use. If you want to keep the network private for your account only, you don't need to fill all of them.
  • Name: Connector name.
  • Description: Connector quick description.
  • Logo URL: Image of the sensor or logo of the company.
After you create a connector, it will only be visible to you by default. However, you have the option to share it with other Profiles from different accounts. Read more about Sharing Connectors & Networks.

If you wish to make your connector or network accessible to all TagoIO users, you can request to make your connector public directly through our GitHub repository by submitting a Pull Request. Read more about Publishing, updating and accessing decoders


Here is where you can provide more detailed information about your connector.

  • Description: Full description of the device, we recommend describing device functionality and adding the link to the device datasheet.
  • Completion Text: Information that shows up right after the device is created. You can leave it blank to not show up, or enter information on what to do after the device was created.
    It's recommended to add a link for dashboard templates here.
  • Device annotation: The text here will always be available for the user when they access their devices page.
    It's recommended to add links for dashboards templates here.

Device Parameters

Device parameters are useful ways to set some parameters to connectors created using your connector.

You can set it as a Number, Text, Dropdown, or Switch, which you can access later in the payload parser.

Here is an example with a dropdown on how it looks in the user view:

Check the Payload parser context overview  to know how to get this information on the payload parser.

Payload Parser

The payload parser for the Connectors doesn't work any differently from the payload parser for devices. All same rules are applied here. 

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