Transform your raw sensor data to generate actionable insights using visual calculations. Data Analytics enables operations such as averaging, summing, finding maximum and minimum values, and more, directly on your widget variables. This feature allows you to filter data, apply mathematical computations, visualize data as numbers, analyze trends, and much more.
Data Analytics is currently available for the widgets listed below, with support for additional widgets to be added in the future:
- Display
- Line Chart
- Area Chart
- Horizontal Bar
- Vertical Column
- Multiple Charts
- Icon
Available Functions
The following table lists the calculations you can perform:
Function | Description |
Last Value | Default for widgets with a single value, representing the last value of the variable. |
All Data | Default for widgets with multiple values, showing all data of this variable or widget. |
Last Location | Finds the last value with valid location data. |
Count | Counts the number of values for a variable over a selected period. |
Average | Calculates the average value over a selected period. |
Sum | Computes the sum of values over a selected period. |
Max | Identifies the maximum value over a selected period. |
Min | Identifies the minimum value over a selected period. |
Conditional | Finds values that meet a specific condition (e.g., greater than, less than, not equal) over a selected period. |
Aggregate | Performs a calculation (e.g., average, max, min, sum) based on an interval (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly). |
Types of Functions
Basic calculations
These functions perform fundamental mathematical operations on data within a specified period, up to one month. All functions are considered basic calculations except for the Aggregate function. When applied, these calculations process all data within the chosen timeframe. Note that these calculations are limited to data in a period of 1 month.
Data aggregation operations
This includes the Aggregate function, which aggregates data over an interval and applies mathematical operations. Unlike basic calculations, there is no period restriction; the calculation will be applied to all available data by default or to the period configured in the Dashboard Period Preset.
Available intervals: Per minute; Per hour; Daily; Weekly; Monthly; Quarterly and Yearly.

When applying an interval, the system will use the first data as a starting point. For example, if your data starts on January 1st and the selected interval is Weekly, then the data between January 1st and January 7th will be aggregated.
How to apply functions to your data
You can easily apply functions by entering your widget in Edit Mode, selecting a variable in Data From, and clicking the cog icon to access the Data Analytics tab. Check which widgets support Data Analytics in the table at the beginning of this document.
There are two main types of functions: basic calculations and aggregation operations. The primary difference is that the aggregate function can be applied to all your data with no period restriction, while basic calculations are limited to a period of one month.
Once you apply a function, the system will prompt you to define Cache settings, which are important and mandatory to maintain the responsiveness and performance of your dashboard. You can also set an expiration time to prevent rapid consumption of your Dashboard Data Output.
For basic calculations, you define a period, which may be configured in the Data Analytics tab, on the X-axis, or by defining global preset periods on your dashboard using the Dashboard Period Presets.
For the aggregation function, you set a default interval or create a preset interval by navigating to the Preset Interval option after entering the widget in Edit Mode.
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