You can visualize and control all users that sign up in your application under the User Management module.

When you create and deploy your solution using TagoRun, all users that sign up will be listed in this area. You can grant or remove access, change password, edit user information, edit tags, or delete the user completely.
Also, each user has a tab for Tags. These tags can be input manually, by script, or it can be filled by the user during the Signup process 
All customized fields defined in your Signup Page under the Run module are added in the Tags here.
The fields tag key and tag value from the users can be used in the Targets when granting access to your application.
Anonymous User
You can create an Anonymous User to allow access to dashboards in your TagoRun without having to sign in with credentials. This user is required if you want to share your dashboard with anyone using an URL. Read more about Sharing Dashboards.
The anonymous user behaves as a normal user, except for not having a password. You can still use Tags to grant access to resources through Access Management policies.

Only one anonymous user can be created per
Exporting Users
Click on the 'Export Users' button on the top right side of the module to download a .csv file containing data of all your users. The file also includes all Tags, users ID, subscription date, and activation status