The Run module allows you to create and deploy your solution using a customized logo, colors, URL, sign up page, e-mail messages, and more.
Run works synchronized with the Access and User management modules. When you configure and deploy your solution, a domain will be created for your application so that users can sign up.
Platform customized with your brand
By default, the your url may be a subdomain of (e.g. or a fully customize url using your current company domain (e.g.
With Run you can setup three main things:
Go to the Main Configuration and Domain tabs to configure the title and sub-title of your application, add a favicon (browser icon) and logo, and edit the colors used in the navigation bar.
More options to edit color for Buttons and General themes are available in the Advanced Configuration tab.
You can add pre-programmed buttons that will be located on the Sidebar (menu on the left side). These buttons will be available to all users. You can organize up to three in the same row.
An action can be associated with each button:
Tip: You must grant access to users using AM.
In the Sign up page, you can edit the color of the buttons and text, select an image, video, or color for background, and define opacity for the form.
On top of the required fields of the forms, you can add customized fields for the user. Learn more about Signup Fields.
There are three methods for signing up:
You can also add a link for users to read the Terms and conditions of your solutions / company.
You can customize the messages that users will receive after they sign up in your application.
You can customize the Welcome e-mails as you wish, use the editor to add text, links or even images. You can upload images in the Files.
Tip: use the button 'Send test e-mail' to receive a sample of the e-mail in your own e-mail address.