machineQ LoRaWAN™

machineQ LoRaWAN™

In this article we explain how to integrate devices with machineQ LoRaWAN™provider and TagoIO.


Follow these steps in order to integrate your devices. You may skip some of them depending on your case. For example, if you have already generated an authorization and added it to machineQ, you can skip to step 4.

1. Generate an Application at machineQ

First, make sure that you create an Application at machineQ Central so that the integration with TagoIO can be authorized. 

Go to your machineQ Central, and follow this machineQ tutorial to generate a Client ID and a Client Secret that you will need to input at TagoIO later.

2. Generate an Authorization at TagoIO

You will need to generate an Authorization at TagoIO so that it can be added into the machineQ integration area.

This authorization can be generated by acessing the Service Authorization page. You will need to enter additional parameters as shown in the image below.

You must enter your Client IDClient Secret separated by a semicolon in the Additional parameter field.

Copy the authorization generated by TagoIO to use in the next step.

Only one Authorization per application is necessary. Don't do it for each device.

3. Add Integration to machineQ

Access the machineQ Central, enter into the 'Integration' section, click on 'Add Output Profile', and select Restful API. The output format can be left as "extended".

Fill in the following fields:

Namename the output profile
enter Authorization
Token Value
paste the authorization generated by TagoIO

Now that your integration with machineQ is ready, you can start adding the devices at TagoIO. 

4. Create your devices at TagoIO

First, go to Devices section, click on 'Add Devices', and filter by machineQ. Then, search for the device that you want to add. If you don't find it, select the type Custom Orbiwise Device.

When selecting Custom machineQ, the system will NOT include a payload parser. You will need to create your own parser to extract values. 

Give a name, type the device EUI, and click on 'Create Device'.

If you have followed all the steps, as soon as your devices start to send data to machineQ, the packages will be forwarded to your TagoIO account.

From here, you can create and edit dashboards, add notifications, and create scripts to process your data. 

Learn how to perform downlink for LoRaWAN.

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