

TagoIO will notify you when something needs your attention. You may need to perform an action depending on the type of notification. There are 4 (four) types of notifications:
  • Applications - sent by a customized script that was triggered by the Analysis. Some examples: ‘Two trucks are out of route’, ‘Your refrigerator temperature is higher than 36 F’.
  • Other users - displayed when another user shares something with you. For example: ‘John wishes to share a Dashboard with you.’
  • Tago system - used by the TagoIO backend to notify users about the system or your account. For example: ‘There is a new application in Healthcare industry that you may be interested’.
  • TagoRUN User - these are notifications sent to users registered in your Users Management at your account. Only you can send notifications to them. Learn more about Run Users Notifications.

When you log in to your account, you can see all your notifications in the top right corner of the admin page. 

The number in red will inform how many new notifications you have. If you have more than 99 notifications, it will show as 99+.

On the Notifications window, you can filter by read status or by the type of notification. Also, you can use the search field to refine the results.

Notifications from Other Users

Usually, notifications received from Other users are related to authorization request asking you to accept dashboards and profiles. In these cases, you need first to accept the request, before the shared item is available to you.

The user who sent the request to you is able to track the status of the request by checking into the ‘Share’ tab of each item (Dashboard/Profile).

After you make a decision and choose to accept or decline a notification, the system will change it to a faded-like color and remove the blue unread icon. TagoIO automatically removes all the ignored notifications that are older than two weeks.

Notifications from Applications

Application notifications can give you the option to be redirected to a dashboard that can contain more information about the event. The content of the notification and the button that links to the dashboard (which is optional) is defined by the developer.

To learn how to create an Application notification from an Analysis, check our SDK documentation.

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