RadioBridge Devices

RadioBridge Devices

TagoIO is fully integrated with RadioBridge devices, that are connected over Sigfox or LoRaWAN, by providing the perfect integration with the Radio Bridge backend. 


Read more about Radio Bridge.

All data sent by your device will be readily available to be displayed in widgets or processed by your Analysis.

You can perform uplink and downlink operations.

Step 1: 

First go to your TagoIO account, and if this is your first device connected between Radio Bridge and TagoIO, you will need to create an Authorization.

Copy the Authorization by clicking in the COPY button to use in the next step.

Step 2:  

After configuring your device on RadioBridge console following the developer's documentation, you need to set up a Callback API 

Go to your RadioBridge Console, and enter the Callback API page. Here, you need to enter TagoIO callback URL and set an Authorization Header of your choice.

Callback URL:
Header Authorization Code: Enter the one you generated at Step 1.

Copy the Unique API URL for the step 3 and press Update.

Step 3: 

Copy the Unique API URL and get back to TagoIO Authorization page by cliking here.

Press the Pencil button to edit the authorization you created previously on step 1. Paste the Unique API URL  and press save.

Step 4: 

Add the device at TagoIO. Go to Devices, click on 'Add Devices', and search for RadioBridge category and pick up your device on the list. If you can't find them, select the Custom RadioBridge to add your device.

Then, just follow the directions to integrate your device with TagoIO and start to build your own application. 

When completed, click on 'Create Device'.

Turn your Radio Bridge device on, and wait for the data to arrive and hit your data bucket. Every time the device sends data it will be available in the bucket and shown in the dashboard.

You can start editing the installed dashboard.

Also, you can create notifications and more advanced scripts as needed.

Depending on your type of device, a Parser may be automatically added. You may want to edit the parse function in your device if necessary. 

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