Distributing Dashboards

Distributing Dashboards

You can share a template of your dashboard, without any of your data, and send a link to anyone to add a copy to their account through a customized install page. After that, they will be able to modify the dashboards as they wish.

When people access the link sent by you, they will see a screen similar to the one shown below. Keep in mind that the images and text are all customizable.

Creating & Editing a Template

To distribute a dashboard, first click on the options menu of your dashboard, and then on the Distribute option, as shown below:

You'll be redirected to the following page:

The Distribute function relies on creating a customized install page for anyone to install a copy of your dashboard, and so in order to create a customized page just the way you want it, TagoIO offers the possibility to modify the images and the title of the page.

In the image above, you can set a custom title for the install page in the field Title of the page. You can also replace the default images with custom ones using the fields Logo of the page and Main image of the page.

You can add descriptions to your Devices, or Blueprint Devices, and Analyses used on the dashboard as well. Descriptions are optional, but they help whoever is installing the template to find their own devices to associate with the ones used on the dashboard. 

For example, specifying that one of the devices is a temperature sensor in the description allows the user installing the template to select a matching device on their own profile.

When you have made the adjustments, you can click the Create Template (or Update Template if the template was already created) button to save the information and build the page.

After you build your template for the very first time, a new section will show up on the page with the link to be shared with other users.

All you have to do is click on the Copy button, or manually copy the link, and then distribute this link to anyone you would like.

Installing a Template

When using a template for a Blueprint dashboard, the Blueprint Devices will be configured exactly like in the dashboard, but with helpful descriptions in case the user needs to make any changes. This also lets the user know which tag keys and values the devices must have configured.

If the dashboard has no Analysis in its widgets, this is the only step and clicking Confirm associations will install the dashboard.

If the dashboard has Analyses, instead of Confirm associations, the button will be Next step and it will guide the user to another page to select their own Analyses to be used in place of the Analyses in the original dashboard.

Note that Analyses also have the Distribute feature, and they can be installed previously to installing a dashboard requiring Analyses.

Selecting the required Analyses will enable the Confirm associations button, and the template will be installed using the configurations made on this setup wizard.

For Normal dashboards, the device association page looks like the one above and also functions similarly: all the required devices must be associated before the Confirm associations button is enabled and allows the user to finish installing the template.

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