You can push notification messages directly to the users registered in your TagoRun application. This article will guide you on how to send notifications to your users using Actions or Analysis.
Notifications for users are not much different from your account's regular notifications, and you will have many more options to customize.
Users registered in your TagoRun account can only receive notifications sent by your application.
First, you must have users registered in your User Management.
You also have two options: Send using Actions or Using Analysis.
By pushing notifications using Analysis, you can add custom buttons allowing for more interaction.
The easiest way to push a notification to a user is by using Actions.
The notification will show up for your user like this:
With Analysis, you are powered with more options to send a notification. You can even setup an action to trigger the analysis to get these options available.
We provide a full in-depth guide about how to send notifications using Analysis, create buttons and handle user decisions. Check out our article Notifications for Users using Analysis.