Services Overview

Services Overview

TagoIO offers a broad range of services that can be allocated the way your applications needs it to be. By provisioning the services that each Profile will use throughout the month, you will know exactly how much you will be charged.

You can visualize the limits and the usage history for each service in the Usage Statistics tab, located under the Profiles session of your TagoIO account. If you have more than 1 profile, you will need to allocate the resources for each profile.

Currently, this is the list of services that you can select for your account. Some of them are reset monthly.

Usage counted
Data Input
Each variable sent by your devices or ‘post’ in the Device's data storage
Data Output
Each variable received by your devices or 'get' from the Device's data storage
Data Storage
Maximum at any time
Each variable stored in a Device
File Storage
Size (MB)
Maximum at any time
Total aggregate size of all files stored on the 'Files' module
Analysis for Scripts
Execution time
Total script runtime executed by the Analysis module (minimum 1s)
Messages sent out
Messages sent out
Push Notifications
Messages sent out
End user (RUN user)
Maximum at any time
End users registered in your RUN applications 

TagoIO will send warning Emails & Push notifications each time a service exceeds 80%, 90%, and 100% of the limit set for a specific profile.
You can add scripts in the  Analysis to automatically upgrade your plan or to increase the limit for a service to avoid service blockages.

More information with examples and FAQ can be found at our Pricing Page.

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