Creating Dashboard Tabs

Creating Dashboard Tabs

By using Tabs, you can divide dashboards into multiple sections and add links to them. This is a great feature to create applications where the user has to deal with some setups and data in the same dashboard, the result is something like the image below.

Notice that in the example above we have three tabs: the dashboard itself, the configuration, and a link.

Creating & Editing a Tab

To create a tab on your application, go to the dashboard you want to create it, click  to enter in edit mode, and then click on the button.

Then, go to the Tabs section and click the plus button.

To create a tab, you must set the name of the tab and select its type. The type can be one of the following:
  • Dashboard: The tab will be able to contain widgets.
  • Link: The tab will be a link to another dashboard or another web page. You cannot put widgets inside of this tab.
  • Hidden tab: The tab will be able to contain widgets, but it will be hidden from your users. You will only be able to access this tab in edit mode. Good use of this option is to use it with the Widget Header.

You can add up to 10 (ten) tabs in your dashboard.

Visibility Conditions

You can configure the tabs on your dashboard to restrict access for your end users on TagoRun according to the tags you defined in the User Management module. This functionality is very useful since you can have fine-grained control over which tabs are displayed for different types of users without having to duplicate the dashboards for different user roles.

In order to configure the visibility conditions, you will need to access your dashboard settings, then Tabs and click on the eye icon.

For instance, you can have a dashboard where one of the tabs is only displayed for users that match the tag with key user_type and value admin.

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