

Secrets are encrypted environment variables that can be used to store sensitive information, such as passwords and API keys. You set a key and a value for your secret: the key serves as the name of the secret, while the value contains your sensitive information.

Unlike regular Environment Variables, secrets are encrypted to ensure their contents remain hidden once encrypted. This security feature is crucial for protecting sensitive data within TagoIO. Secrets are especially beneficial when scripts need to access confidential information without revealing it to users or developers. You can utilize secrets in your Analysis code by retrieving them through the Analysis context, as well as in some Actions.

To start using this feature, access your Admin panel, navigate to the Account menu, and select 'Secrets'.

Creating a Secret

To create a secret, access the 'Secrets' page within your Admin panel and click on '+ New Secret'. It is mandatory to define a KeyValue, and Tags for every secret you create.

  1. Secret Key: this is the identifier for your secret, which you will use when writing your Analysis scripts.
    Please note that Keys cannot be edited once the secret is created, so choose your keys carefully.
  1. Secret Value: this is the sensitive information that will be encrypted. This field is where you should input any confidential data. You can type in a text value or select between other secret types.

  2. Tags: this is our labeling system, which is used across various assets within TagoIO. You will utilize the Tag system to give your analysis access to the secrets. Learn more about the Tags System here.
After entering all the necessary information, click 'Save' to create your secret. Each secret is assigned a unique ID, which can be found by selecting a secret from your list and navigating to the 'More' tab.

Types of Secrets

Secrets can be stored in two formats: as plain text or as structured data of specific secret types, which may contain multiple pieces of information. You have the option to choose from various secret types, some of which enable specialized actions involving external entities, such as integration with external email providers.


A secure storage option for text-based data, allows both letters and numbers. This secret can hold up to 2048 characters.

SMTP Secret

This secret is exclusively used for securely storing information required to configure an action that sends emails through external email providers. For more details about this action, please refer to our 'Defining Actions' documentation.

Currently, SMTP supports TLS connections that utilize port 587.

AWS SQS Secret

This secret is exclusively used for securely storing information required to communicate with the Amazon SQS. For more details about this action, please refer to our 'Defining Actions' documentation.

To obtain these values for Amazon SQS, log into your AWS Management Console and navigate to the SQS service. From there, you can retrieve the aws_region, queue_url, access_key_id, and secret_access_key by checking the relevant sections under your SQS queue configuration and IAM user credentials.

How to use Secrets

Secrets are essential for performing certain Actions. For more information on which actions require secrets, refer to the Defining Actions documentation.

You can integrate secrets into your analysis scripts similarly to how you use Environment Variables. Secrets are accessible through the `context.environment` parameter, enabling you to pass variable values directly into your script's context. Additionally, you can overwrite a Secret's value in an Analysis by creating an environment variable with the same Secret Key.

Check out our SDK documentation.

Granting your Analysis access to your Secret

Before utilizing secrets as environment variables in your script, ensure that your analysis has the necessary permissions to access the information within your secret. This is achieved by using the Tags you assigned to your secret to create a policy within the Access Management module. See the example below:

For further information on creating an Access Management policy, read more about Creating a Policy here.

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