Entity Table Widget

Entity Table Widget

The Entity Table widget enables you to display data in a tabular format using fields from your Entities. Unlike the Static and Dynamic Table widgets, it does not utilize data from Devices. This widget lets you incorporate data from one or more entities, apply formulas, and set color conditions. It also allows end-users to directly modify table values from their dashboard. Additionally, you can sort the data based on the indexes you've created in your Entity.

Ensure that the appropriate Access Management permissions are granted to allow end-users to view the data displayed in the widget.

Editing the Table

To modify a specific section of this widget, simply hover over the element you wish to edit and click on it. Selecting the header allows you to customize general settings for your table, including choosing the data source entity, naming the table, designing the table layout, configuring header buttons, and more. Clicking on a column will display settings specific to that column, enabling you to adjust its size, allow end-users to edit values, apply formulas, and more.

Adding Data

To add data from your Entities into your table, you must first define which entities you'd like to use as a data source. This process varies depending on the dashboard type: Normal or Blueprint.

Normal dashboards

In a normal dashboard, you can use just one Entity as a data source. Enter the widget in edit mode, click on the Table name to open the Entity table settings. In the Entity section, select the entity you wish to use as a data source for all your columns. Once you've chosen the Entity, you must also define which Index should be used as the default to order your data. Simply type the name of your index created in your Entity.

Now, either select an existing column or create a new one. Navigate to the Entity Data section, enter the name of your field in the Field box, and click save.

Learn more about the Entities Index.

Blueprint Dashboard

In a blueprint dashboard, you can use data from multiple entities by utilizing the Blueprint Entities, which allows you to dynamically change the entity used as a data source easily. You can always go to your dashboard settings to customize the Blueprint entities.

To select the blueprint entity as a data source, enter the widget in edit mode, click on the Table name to open the Entity table settings. In the Entity section, select the Entity Association you wish to use as a data source for all your columns. Once you've chosen the Entity, you must also define which Index should be used as the default to order your data. Simply type the name of your index.

Now, either select an existing column or create a new one. Navigate to the Entity Data section, enter the name of your field in the Field box, and click save.

Data visualization

The Entity table offers extensive customization options for each column's data visualization. You can apply formulas, change cell colors based on conditions, use icons to represent your data, alter text properties (bold, italic, underscore), and more.

The cell color can be set by the variable metadata.

Filtering Data

Data filtering can be performed on each column or the entire table. While in widget edit mode, click on the table name, go to Options, and then select 'Search Options' to activate this feature on your table.

Allowing end-users to edit data

You can allow users to modify a variable's value in your Entity by enabling the edit option located in the column's configuration. To allow editing of Entity data through the widget, you must first enable the control column in the Options section of the widget.

The Entity Table offers a variety of field types to define the kinds of values users can input when making modifications. These field types include Text, Password, Number, Dropdown, Dropdown Multiple, Address, and Device (configured by tags). It is crucial to select a field type on the widget that matches the column’s field type in the Entity; otherwise, the edits may not take effect.

In edit mode, you can select a column and navigate to Edit Options to customize it as needed. These field types function similarly to the Input Form fields. Additionally, you can designate certain columns as required when editing row values.

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