If you don't have a real sensor (hardware) to send data through the Internet in hand, you can still try out all of TagoIO's features by selecting some device simulators that will feed data in real-time. It's like you were adding a virtual device.
TagoIO's server provides a continuous stream of data, whether that data is simulated (e.g. bus, truck, freezer) or real (e.g. Weather condition in Raleigh, NC), through the Simulator network. Data is sent to the storage of the device created at a fixed frequency.
To use this feature, go to Devices, then click on "+Add Device", select the Network: Simulator, and from the list of connectors, pick the one that simulates a type of device that you'd want to use. For example, you can pick the "Bus Simulator" that'll send location, fuel level, speed and other variables your device data storage every 3 minutes.
After your add the device, a pop-up will ask if you want to add a dashboard. Use this option to get a dashboard to start and edit from there. 
Data can take some minutes to show up in the device. The Weather for example, can take up to 15 min to present data for the first time.
Use our Live Inspector to monitor raw data arriving on your account in real-time.