Keypad Widget

Keypad Widget

Keypad allows the user to submit a pin code along with an optional action string.

This widget is ideal to represent an alarm or to request a PIN code to unlock a resource.

Creating your own

To add it to your dashboard, choose the Keypad widget from the list and customize it to your preference. You can edit it by using the options located on the right side of the widget.

This widget works for both dashboards, Normal and Blueprint.

1. 'Data From' Field

This field allows you to set the device and variable that will be used in this widget.

This field is dependent on the type of dashboard you are using; the difference is explained below.

1.1 'Data From' for Normal Dashboards

From the option 'Data From' on the right menu, select one device from your list of devices and the variable that contains the data.

1.2 'Data From' for Blueprint Dashboards

From the option 'Data From' on the right menu, add the Blueprint device and input the name of the variable that contains the information.

When using a Blueprint dashboard, the field Variable will not list variables to be picked because it doesn't know the devices linked to your Blueprint Device.

2. Visualization

By default, the numeric keypad contains 10 digits that range from 0-9, and it also contains an asterisk (*) and a number sign (#).

You have the option to customize the content of the keypad by creating buttons that will appear along with the digits.

Example of custom buttons inside the Keypad

Learn more about the customization options of your keypad.

3. Data manipulation

The keypad will send the data immediately after pressing a custom button, or just by inputting a combination of numeric digits and waiting 3 seconds.

Whenever a PIN code is submitted, the structure sent to the variable will be:


So, for instance, if the user has clicked the sequence 1234 and then DISARM, the output would be:


Learn more about how to manipulate the keypad's data.

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