The Things Network LoRaWAN™

The Things Network LoRaWAN™

In this article, you will be instructed on how to integrate TTN LoRaWANTM devices with TagoIO; you will be able to send data from your devices (uplink) to TagoIO and back to them (downlink).

If you're trying to integrate TTN v3, use our TTI integration instructions.

The following two steps are enough for this integration:

1. TagoIO Setup

First, make sure that you have already configured a gateway and an application at TTN. If you need help doing that, watch this TTN video tutorial.

After that, go to the Devices module, click on 'Add Devices', and filter by LoRaWAN TTN. Then, search for the device that you want to add. If you don't find the device you're looking for, select the type Custom TTN Device.

When selecting the Custom TTN Device connector, a payload parse will NOT be included on the new device. You will need to add your own parser to extract values. 

Then simply give a name for the device, type the device EUI, and click on the 'Create Device' button. 

For example, if you selected the 'Custom TTN' type, you will be presented with the following screen. 

After the device is created, a standard parser script is included in the 'Payload Parser' tab based on the selected connector (unless you selected Custom TTN). Later on, you can also add your own script to execute any calculation or to parse more data. 

Now you need to create an Authorization and use it in the TTN setup later. 

This Authorization should be generated by TagoIO, just access the Service Authorization page; no Additional Parameters are needed.

Copy this Authorization to use it in the next step.

2. TTN Setup

On the TTN console, go to your already created Application, select the 'Integrations'  tab, and click +add integration.

Select TagoIO from the integration list.

Lastly, you will need to fill in your Process ID, your access key, and then paste the Authorization generated at TagoIO.

At the Access Key field, make sure to select devices and messages. This is required if you plan to use TagoIO to send downlink messages to TTN.

If you have followed all of the steps, as soon as your devices start to send data to TTN, the data packages will be forwarded to your TagoIO account.

From here, you can create and edit dashboards, add notifications, and create scripts to process your data. 

Learn how to perform downlink for LoRaWAN.

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