How to integrate with KPN Things Network

How to integrate with KPN Things Network

This guide will walk you through the process of integrating a LoRaWan device with the KPN Network and TagoIO. By following the steps outlined below, you will be able to set up your device for both uplink and downlink operations, enabling seamless data exchange.

Uplink Configuration
To configure uplink communication, follow these three main steps:

1) TagoIO Setup
  1. Navigate to your TagoIO account. If this is your first time connecting a device between KPN Things and TagoIO, you must create an Authorization here. Remember to copy it for later use in AWS IoT.
  2. Follows documentation to guide you through the Authorization.
Note: you need to create only one Authorization for all your devices.

2) Setting up KPN Things
Access your KPN Things portal, log in, and follow the steps:
  1. Select the "Things Management" tab.
  2. Choose "Add new Destination."
  3. Select "HTTPS" as the destination type.
  4. Fill in the required fields:
    1. Name (Required)
    2. Description (Optional)
    3. URL:
    4. Shared secret (Required)
    5. Click on Advanced Configuration and insert in Headers the token you have generated on step one.
      1. { Authorization: your_authorization_token }
    6. HTTP method - POST
    7. Expected response code -  200
  5. Click on Add HTTPS endpoint

3) Create Device on TagoIO
To enable TagoIO to receive uplink data, create your device in TagoIO as follows:
  1. Navigate to "Devices."
  2. Click on "+ Add Device."
  3. Search for "KPN Things."
  4. Enter your device's name.
  5. Choose between "immutable" or "mutable."
  6. Enter the Serial Number (EUI, IMEI, or UUID) of your device in KPN.

With these steps completed, TagoIO will receive data anytime your device sends an uplink.

Downlink Configuration
After you have setup the Uplink properly, you can then configure the downlinks for being capable of transmitting data from TagoIO to your devices.

For this step, you need to create API Keys at KPN Grip Portal. For that you need to be an administrator in the GRIP Portal. More information here.

1) Setting up KPN Things
  1. Access your GRIP portal and enable API keys for downlink as follows:
    1. Click on "Identity and API Keys" on the left side.
    2. Click "+ Add."
    3. Fill in the required fields:
    4. Name (Mandatory)
    5. Description (Optional)
    6. Click "Add" to obtain your Client ID and Client Secret.
  2. Copy the have the Client ID and Client Secret
  3. Enable permission for the API key follows:
    1. Access the tab Services and roles.
    2. Click on + Add service
    3. Select the option KPN Things Portal
    4. Click "Add" and Save

2) TagoIO Setup
In the Authorization you previously added, edit the parameter to include the client id and client secret, separated by a semicolon, like so:


3) Sending Downlinks
Now you can use TagoIO built-in functionalities to send downlinks to your devices. Read more about it at Downlink for LoRaWAN™.