Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On (SSO)

By using our Single Sign-On, SSO, integration, end-users are allowed to sign in into your RUN application using the credentials from your own trusted user database. This database is provided by third-party services such as Okta, Microsoft Azure AD, OneLogin, PingIdentity, Google Workspace, and several other identity providers.

TagoIO SSO integrated with 3rd-party services


You can also use these services to manage your users' information as well as to allow them to access other services, such as your RUN application.

The configuration on RUN is quite simple, all you have to do is import the Identity Provider (one of the aforementioned third-party services) after configuring an application on the Identity Provider and adding your users. 

Only users registered in the identity provider and that have permission to access the application will be able to sign in to your RUN via the SSO.

The configuration of your SSO will depend on the identity provider used. 

Learn how to configure your SSO to connect with :

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