Downlinks using Dashboards

Downlinks using Dashboards

Learn how to perform downlink for Class C or A devices using Analysis. Also, we will show how to send downlink data from dashboards. This approach can be used in the following cases:

  1. For devices with class C: to immediately send a downlink message to the device.
  2. For devices with class A: to schedule downlink messages for the next available time slot.

In order to make the downlink with this method, you must install the analysis available in the following link:

After installing the template, you must set up the environment variables. Go to the 'Environment Variables' tab of your device:

Account_token: Any account token from your account with full permission. Go to your profile configurations, tokens section, and generate a new one.
default_PORT: The default port to be used if not sent by the dashboard

With it all set, press Save to save the analysis.

Setting up the Dashboard

After completing the previous steps, you may want to send these downlinks using a dashboard. This method can be useful to easily select the device to send the payload or to share the dashboard with others and allow them to send the downlink messages.

1. Install the dashboard using the following link:

2. Select the device you'll be sending downlinks to:

3. Select the Analysis you've recently imported, "Sending Downlink using dashboard": 

Press "Confirm associations" to apply the changes and you're all set to start using the form and send your downlinks.

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