Cleaner dashboards using buttons with Header option

Cleaner dashboards using buttons with Header option


I have learned with users that many times (if not always) it makes more sense not to show all the options available on a single dashboard at once.

For example, if we want to show a list of equipment in a Table and add a form widget beside it to register more equipment, it may confuse users. Also, if we want to show values in a table and in a map, it may get harder for them to know the difference.

That is why we created a new option in the Widgets called Header - this option allows developers to add buttons to link to other widgets or iframes.

With the Header buttons, you can get your dashboard clean while showing more options for the users.

The example below shows what happens when the user clicks on a button configured to open another widget:

Go to this link to learn how to configure the button on the Header.

Also, you can trigger scripts from the Analysis using the same button. It is a very cool feature that is helping developers to get better usability results.

I hope this tip can be helpful.