Cannot publish MQTT message from analysis script.

Cannot publish MQTT message from analysis script.

I want to publish a mqtt message on "GUIMEL/SENSORS/GCUBE01/SETTINGS" after I receive a message on "GUIMEL/SENSORS/GCUBE01/DATA" . Now, the analysis script is being triggered and prints "Message Sent", but I cannot see the message being actually published neither on the Live Inspector nor in my MQTT client. The code I'm using on the script is the following:

const { Analysis, Services } = require("@tago-io/sdk");

const DEVICE_ID = "8fb6cc7d-4abd-4582-8bd4-05ae0aac04fb";

async function mqttPushExample(context, scope) {
 console.log(context, scope)
 if (!scope.length) {
   return context.log("Missing values");

 const myData = scope.find((x) => x.variable === "payload") || scope[0];
 if (!myData) {
   return context.log("Couldn't find any variable in the scope.");

 // Create your data object to push to MQTT
 // In this case we're sending a JSON object.
 // You can send anything you want.
 // Example:
 // const myDataObject = 'This is a string';
 const myDataObject = {
   variable: "payload",
   value: "30000,30000,30000,30000,30000,60000",
   unit: "C",

 // Create a object with the options you chooses
 const options = {
   retain: false,
   qos: 0,

 // Publishing to MQTT
 const mqtt = new Services().mqtt;
 context.log("Will send to:");
 context.log( mqtt.publish);
     bucket: DEVICE_ID,
     message: JSON.stringify(myDataObject),
   }).then(context.log, context.log)

module.exports = new Analysis(mqttPushExample);

And this is the log I'm getting after the script is triggered:
[2024-06-19 21:38:45] Duration: 1.1s Billed Duration: 2s.
[2024-06-19 21:38:45] Analysis finished.
[2024-06-19 21:38:45] Message sent
[2024-06-19 21:38:45] Will send 8fb6cc7d-4abd-4582-8bd4-05ae0aac04fb [AsyncFunction: publish]
[2024-06-19 21:38:45] { log: [Function: log], token: 'a-ecad0d81-3516-4e05-8c78-fe3e3df0d252', environment: [ { key: '', value: '' }, { key: '_action_id', value: '66721df7864a2b00081d6290' }, { key: '_action_type', value: 'mqtt_topic' }, { key: '_action_state', value: 'unlocked' }, { key: '_device_id', value: '6669ed3894c0e80009a715c5' } ], analysis_id: '66722187ed404a0009e7d9d5' } [ { variable: 'payload', value: 'GCUBE01 189.00 159.00 20.00 40.00 141.00 107.00 false 90.00', metadata: { mqtt_topic: 'GUIMEL/SENSORS/GCUBE01/DATA' } } ]
[2024-06-19 21:38:44] Starting Analysis...