Dashboard global time filter and period presets
The Dashboard Period Preset allows users to set global time-based filters that apply across all widgets in the dashboard. This feature enables effortless data comparison across different periods, providing valuable insights and facilitating better ...
Restoring your Dashboard to a previous version
In TagoIO Admin, each time you make changes to your dashboards and widgets, the system automatically generates a backup version of each action taken. This ensures that you can revert to a previous version of your dashboard if you encounter any issues ...
Data Output for dashboards
In TagoIO, each time someone accesses data from the Dashboards using TagoIO Admin or TagoRUN, a data output is counted for each variable displayed. For instance, when an end-user loads a dashboard that displays 3,000 registers, this same number will ...
Distributing Dashboards
You can share a template of your dashboard, without any of your data, and send a link to anyone to add a copy to their account through a customized install page. After that, they will be able to modify the dashboards as they wish. When people access ...
Grouping Dashboards
You can group related dashboards using dashboard tags. To do so, go to “Dashboard”, click on the gear icon to edit it, then on the section “Tags” create a new tag. After that, on the section “Group dashboards using Tags” select the grouping tag. To ...
Dashboard icons
You can customize the looks of your dashboard by adding icons to it. The icons are displayed on the left side of your dashboard. The colors are totally customizable, and there are more than 100 free icons available for you to use. To add an icon to ...
Sharing Dashboards
A great feature from TagoIO is its native sharing capability for dashboards, because we know that sometimes a dashboard can become an entire feature that you want to share. If you want to share only the template of your dashboards, use the Distribute ...
Dashboard Overview
A dashboard is where you place your widgets to visualize and interact with data, all in real-time. Dashboards can also be shared with end-users that will access your application using TagoRUN. All your dashboards are listed on the sidebar of the ...
Downlinks using Dashboards
Learn how to perform downlink for Class C or A devices using Analysis. Also, we will show how to send downlink data from dashboards. This approach can be used in the following cases: For devices with class C: to immediately send a downlink message to ...
Creating Dashboard Tabs
By using Tabs, you can divide dashboards into multiple sections and add links to them. This is a great feature to create applications where the user has to deal with some setups and data in the same dashboard, the result is something like the image ...
Blueprint Dashboard
Blueprint is a type of Dashboard that allows users to dynamically link widgets to multiple devices. This type of dashboard is extremely useful when scaling up applications. Concepts Blueprint works by allowing users to change the widgets' devices in ...