TagoIO Support Severity Level Definition
In order for your ticket to be given the correct priority, it is important that you select the appropriate severity level.
TagoIO Support team recommends that you try to follow our definition when opening a ticket to avoid delays.

Our team reserves the right to correct any user misentered severity level.
Our support team uses the following definitions to classify issues:
Severity 1 - Critical Impact / Complete Outage
A problem that severely impacts your use of the application in a production environment. This indicates an inability to access your application or perform all critical functions. The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.
Severity 2 - Significant Business Impact
A problem where the service is functioning but its use in the production environment is severely reduced by the issue. Due to this major feature or function being restricted in its use, and the lack of a procedural workaround, your business is being highly impacted.
Severity 3 - Minor Impact
A problem that involves only partial degradation of the system performance, and non-critical loss of use of the system. There is a mid-to-low impact on your business. Normally, issues about "How do I do something?" are severity 3 level.
Severity 4 - General Guidance
This is for general usage questions, requests for new features, or reporting errors in documentations. There is a low-to-no impact on your business or on the performance of your account. Any questions that are general in nature are a severity 4 level.

Notice that the response time is based on your current TagoIO plan and the Support plan associated with it. Learn more about Support Plan.
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