Import & Export for Dictionary

Import & Export for Dictionary

The Dictionary also provides a quick and easy way to import and export a Dictionary’s key and value pairs via the two buttons at the top of a Dictionary page.

All data in a Dictionary can be exported into a CSV or JSON file, and that file can be used for: editing in another program (such as Excel or another editor), sending for translation to another language by keeping the keys and editing only the values, or just for keeping a backup to have the ability to revert any changes to a known state in the saved file.

A CSV or JSON file can be imported into a language in the Dictionary after being edited (translated). This action will overwrite the values for all existing keys, and it will add any new keys and values to the selected language. 

When adding new keys to a language, the behavior of the Dictionary is the same, as it will add the keys with empty values to all the other languages in the Dictionary.

TagoIO provides samples for CSV and JSON files in the Import and Export buttons for your convenience and for reference.

For both CSV and JSON files, the samples of the Dictionary show the exact structure for the files. Here are some requirements:


  • Can optionally contain a header if the first row has Key on the first column and Value on the second column

  • Only the first two columns will be used, values contained in other columns will be ignored

  • The key should follow the same format as on the TagoIO Admin: all caps, no spaces (use underscores), only alphanumeric characters

  • When using a text editor to edit the file, it’s preferable to enclose each field in quotation marks (e.g. ”SOME_KEY”,”Value for the key” or at least keep in mind that the use of quotation marks will be required if the value contains a comma (e.g. ”SOME_KEY”,”Value for the key, extra content”)


  • It should be an array of objects containing a key and a value only, anything else is ignored

  • The key should follow the same format as on the TagoIO Admin: all caps, no spaces (use underscores), only alphanumeric characters

The import and export functionality is available for users in the Scale plan

Watch this webinar to see a complete walk-through for creating multilingual RUN applications and using the import/export feature for translations. The section on import/export begins at minute 13:25.

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