Gauge - Data Range & Format

Gauge - Data Range & Format

Data Range & Format is the place where you can define the format and also the range of the data inside the gauge.

Range Limits

In the Range limits section you can set the minimum and maximum value displayed in the gauge. There are two different types of Range limits:

  • Fixed: The minimum and maximum values of the gauge are static, and never change.
  • From Metadata: The minimum and maximum values of the gauge can change based on a metadata property in a variable.


If you want to set a static range on your gauge, this is the desired type. Simply inform the minimum and maximum value of the gauge.

From Metadata

If you want to set a dynamic range on your gauge, this is the desired type. This type defines the range based on a metadata property of a variable.

The variable that contains the metadata can be selected in the Get metadata from field. The variable that you choose in this field must contain a metadata field with the following schema:

    "variable": "range",
    "value": "50",
    "metadata": {
        "limit_inferior": 0,
        "limit_superior": 100

You can choose one of 3 options in the Get metadata from field:

  1. From original variable: The metadata property will be acquired from the variable that contains the gauge's value.
  2. From variable used in formula: The metadata property will be acquired from the variable that is being used in the formula. This option will only be enabled if your gauge is using Formula, and the Formula is being used with a variable. 
  3. From another variable: The metadata will be acquired from a variable of your choice. If you select this option, a variable selector will appear.

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