Data Records

Data Records

Data Record is related to the variables that are stored and fed by the devices. Each register is composed of a variable and all metadata associated with it. The data record limit will define the maximum storage capacity for the selected Profile at all times.

Fields like 'location' that contains lat/lng is part of a variable, you can consider location in the same register. The rule applies to metadata as well.

Therefore, in the example below, all the fields and metadata stored with the variable 'temperature' are counted as only 1 register.

    "variable": "temperature",
    "value": 71,
    "unit": "F",
    "time": "2019-06-30 01:58:11",
    "serie": "1561859891862",
    "location": {
      "lat": 35.770723,
      "lng": -78.677328
    "metadata": {
      "color": "green"

Another simple example: Your device sends speed, temperature, and humidity with location every 1hour. As a result, 3 new registers will be added every hour.

If the Data Record limit is exceeded, no data will be saved until the limit is increased or the number of registers is reduced. API response will indicate that the limit was exceeded for that Profile.

When you reduce the number of registers, the Usage Statistics in your Admin page may take some minutes to update to the new amount of data records.
TagoIO will send warning Emails to you each time the storage exceeds 80%, 90%, and 100% of the limit.

More information about examples and FAQ can be found on our Pricing Page.

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