[Webinar] Create your first IoT application

[Webinar] Create your first IoT application

Greetings everyone!

We recently held an informative webinar about the basic tools needed to deploy an IoT application using TagoIO. There we took our participants through the fundamentals of TagoIO, from device connection to deploying their first IoT application. If you missed the webinar, you can watch it here:

During the hands-on session, our expert developers provided a comprehensive guide to creating your first IoT application using TagoIO. Attendees learned the process of connecting their devices to TagoIO and how to use pre-built dashboard templates and Kickstarter to streamline their development process. This helped them get their IoT application up and running in no time.

One of the most important things participants learned during the session was how to create simple data analysis to gain valuable insights. Another crucial aspect of building an IoT application is building a custom IoT portal to visualize and interact with your data. Our developers demonstrated how to build a custom portal that fits your specific needs, making it easy for you to monitor and manage your devices.