TagoCore access on remote setups

TagoCore access on remote setups

for our off-grid installations, we use a LoRaWAN gateway with 4G and TTN as network server setup and then TagoIO as our application server where we run the anaylsis, store the data and do the visualzation. We experienced, that the internet connection (with the 4G module) in our country is not so reliable and thus we need an on-site, internet independent backup application server or something which can run simple analysis scripts and processed the data of the connected devices. TagoCore seems to be a perfect fit but I have a few questions to that which I dont understand.
1. If I now run TagoCore on e.g. an raspberry Pi, how do I then connect it to a LoRaWAN 4G gateway?
2. How can I update my logic on TagoCore (upload a new analysis) if its remotely located in the fields? Can I access it through an address?

Sorry if those questions are trivial for you, but I am not so familiar with network setup and how that works in a remote setting.
Any help here is highly appreciated,
Thanks, Björn