[Solved] Light a LED in ESP32

[Solved] Light a LED in ESP32

@Carlos Sampaio

Hey guys,
I’m trying to light the esp32 builtin led using an action but isn’t works(I’m totally a newbie).
I am using a code for ESP and by live inspector I have:

[MQTT] Device connected
“Token Ending: f97b9 Client-ID: Sentinela Will-Message: true”
[MQTT] Device publish
{ “topic”: “tago/data/post”, “payload”: “0600”, “qos”: 1, “messageId”: 1145 }
Raw payload:
[ { “variable”: “payload”, “value”: “0600”, “metadata”: { “mqtt_topic”: “tago/data/post” } } ]
Result of [device] payload parser:
[ { “variable”: “payload”, “value”: “0600”, “metadata”: { “mqtt_topic”: “tago/data/post” }, “serie”: “1627945361169” }, { “variable”: “umidsolo”, “value”: 6, “unit”: “%”, “serie”: “1627945361169” }, { “variable”: “led”, “value”: 0, “serie”: “1627945361169” } ]
Bucket [a5f8]:
“3 Data Added”
[MQTT] Device disconnected
“socket event: disconnect”

This is my payload parser:

const ignore_vars = ['messageId','topic','qos'];
payload = payload.filter(x => !ignore_vars.includes(x.variable));
const mqtt_payload = payload.find((data) => data.variable === "payload" || (data.metadata && data.metadata.mqtt_topic));
if (mqtt_payload) {
  // Cast the hexadecimal to a buffer.
  const buffer = Buffer.from(mqtt_payload.value, 'hex')

 // Normalize the data to TagoIO format.
 // We use Number function to cast number values, so we can use it on chart widgets, etc.
  const data = [
    { variable: 'umidsolo',  value: buffer.readInt8(0), unit: '%' },
    { variable: 'led',  value: buffer.readInt8(1) },
    //{ variable: 'temperature',  value: buffer.readInt16BE(1) / 100, unit: '°C' },
    //{ variable: 'humidity',  value: buffer.readUInt16BE(3) / 100, unit: '%' },

  // This will concat the content sent by your device with the content generated in this payload parser.
  // It also adds the field "serie" to be able to group in tables and other widgets.
  const serie = String(new Date().getTime());
  payload = payload.concat(data).map(x => ({ ...x, serie }));

The parser result is:

        "variable": "payload",
        "value": "0400",
        "metadata": {
            "mqtt_topic": "tago/data/post"
        "serie": "1627945571473"
        "variable": "umidsolo",
        "value": 4,
        "unit": "%",
        "serie": "1627945571473"
        "variable": "led",
        "value": 0,
        "serie": "1627945571473"

I set an action to save data in the bucket and I think that its working well cause i can see that variables in my dashboard widget.
The problem is the method that I am working with the action to light the led or my code(Arduino MqttClient library example) isn’t working well.
I can see all msg in my terminal…device is sending data to tago but never received nothing from there.
There is an example with a code+payload parser + action to light a led?
Thanks in advance
Kind regards