Multiple devices on blueprint dashboard maps

Multiple devices on blueprint dashboard maps

Hello community, I don't know how to create the analysis to display multiple devices on a map using blueprint dashboard,
so I need help to create the analysis since I don't know how to program this type of structures.

Essentially, the flow will be:
My device sends an uplink -> an action triggers an analysis -> analysis structure and send the data to the general_dev (bucket)

The idea is the following photo that I'm attaching below.

And I will need to structure the data, for that I will need to prepare an analysis which will receive the location from the device. Create a new variable and structure it as the following:
variable: "trackers_location",
value: "you can place anything here, maybe the tracker's name?",
group: "62e425c1c69096001a922dc1", // important to set the origin device id, the map widget will use this
to create a new pin. Each group number has a pin
metadata: {
battery: "consider placing the last battery info here", // example
location: {
lat: 35.770723, //lat and lon sent by your tracker
lng: -78.677328,