Issues with running analysis from another analysis (Python API)

Issues with running analysis from another analysis (Python API)


I have an issue where running calling one analysis from another. I went back to calling my_account.analysis.list(), and found even that had errors. I know that my_account is functioning correctly because that is how I pull controller the controller ID, which is working.

Both are Python Analyses. Here is the snippet I have been running i
  1. elif leaf_moisture > 25:
    #update_variable(controller, "ro2_command", "OFF")
    scope = [{'variable': 'ro2_command', 'value': 'OFF', 'device': controller_dev_ID}]'OHC_ANALYSIS_ID', scope)
    analysis_info = my_account.analysis.list()
This is the Error I get.
  1. [2022-08-08 20:48:53] {'status': False, 'result': {'request_error': 'Unexpected token p in JSON at position 0', 'request_body': 'page=1&fields=id&fields=name&amount=20&orderBy=name%2Casc', 'server_response': 'Malformed request syntax'}}