I have a brand new LTE-M device, which is running a tracking application and delivering data to a back end in which I can create a webhook to pass the data on (it works, I have tried it with webhook.site and also a custom app that a colleague built. I’d like to try to get the data into tago.io and have configured t like this
(The token is truncated).
It does not work, so I guess this is malformed … can anyone give me a hand to format it correctly?
The payload is quite easy to deal with, I think ,.
{ "serial": "CL352656104880656", "data": { "type": "G1", "mcc": "234", "mnc": "10", "latitude": "51.457073", "longitude": "-0.219610", "altitude": "87.588470", "speed": "0.996165", "heading": "88.351692", "fix_epoch": "1615190259", "battery_voltage": "2752", "x_accel": "1.685508", "y_accel": "-1.072596", "z_accel": "8.733996", "uptime": "75225351" } }