HTTP GET request to Tago Core API with advanced parameters

HTTP GET request to Tago Core API with advanced parameters

I send request:
  1. curl --location '' \
  2. --header 'device-token: 953a6fa8-ac1b-456f-XXXX-11b32211a871'

And in output I see:
  1. {"status":true,"result":[{"id":"710a50f15b0740cbe03565ef","device":"710a20c6b8f8efaa06a51bce","group":"c6b5104b1d28af9252d4a017","time":"2024-03-14T15:03:29.317Z","value":"user01","variable":"myvar"}]}

Is any API parameter to hide parameters like id or group? I need only "value" field, eventually "time" and "variable"