How to track my account usage?

How to track my account usage?

@Aline Tusi

You probably already set up your account to match the best plan for you, but do you know how much data have you used? To get this information, head over to the home screen of the platform.

Tip: Usage statics don’t update in realtime. To refresh them, press the ‘refresh button’ in the right upper corner of the ‘box’.

This is just a summary of your usages, to get a more in-depth look, you must head over to your profile. To do so:

  • Click at your photo profile;
  • Click on My Account;

  • My Profiles, select your Profile;

  • Go to Usage Statistics;

On this page, you can get an in-depth look at how much data transactions your profile is using.

By default, the data that you see is your current usage today, but you can easily see your usage from yesterday or last week, for example. All you must do is change the date filter field in the upper right corner.

If you need to increase a limit for a certain service, go to the Profile Settings tab and move the service bar to the desired level.

Tip: Keep in mind that you cannot change these service levels if you have a free account.

Another tip is to enable the Auto Scaling option available in each service. If you find yourself from time to time moving up the specific services, auto-scaling is a perfect fit for you.

It allows going to the next level when needed without block your operation (it upgrades to only the next level, then you need to set it again).

This could be very helpful once you don’t need to worry about it.

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