How to integrate TagoIO with Embedded Network Server of Milesight Gateway

How to integrate TagoIO with Embedded Network Server of Milesight Gateway

@FuJi Kok Fook-Kee

Hi TagoIO team

I’m trying to create my own LoRaWAN Network to integrate with the Embedded Network Server of Milesight Gateway.

  1. Would you be able to provide sample Payload Parser snippet done for the official LoRaWAN Network(eg: Loriot) as a reference?

  2. How can I resolve the device-tokens based on the devEUI?

I have inserted the snippet “Convert Raw JSON to TagoIO JSON” into my own LoRaWAN Network Payload Parser. And I have the following output(only when I included the device-tokens as one of the HTTP-header in the application configuration of my embedded NS):
“applicationID”: “1”,
“applicationName”: “TagoIO”,
“deviceName”: “RisingHF_0002”,
“rxInfo”: [
“mac”: “24e124fffef1660e”,
“time”: “2021-08-26T04:24:52.163629Z”,
“rssi”: -74,
“loRaSNR”: 12.8,
“name”: “Local Gateway”,
“latitude”: 0,
“longitude”: 0,
“altitude”: 0
“txInfo”: {
“frequency”: 923400000,
“dataRate”: {
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“bandwidth”: 125,
“spreadFactor”: 7
“adr”: true,
“codeRate”: “4/5”
“fCnt”: 85,
“fPort”: 8,
“data”: “gQhnpB4AdRaF”,
“time”: “2021-08-26T04:24:52.163629Z”

How to use the resolveToken method to retrieve the devices-token using the Authentication token (that I have created) and the devEUI?
