How to create new variables to store data from the dashboard's input form widget?

How to create new variables to store data from the dashboard's input form widget?


I have an iSpindel device sending the mqtt topics in the bucket, so I have access to the density, battery and temperature variables of the iSpindel device. But when I go to the option to add an input form widget to the dashboard, I can only add the iSpindel device to the Data From and I only have access to the temperature, density and battery variables, which in this case are the variables that send the topic signal iSpindel device to generate the graphs, but I would like to create new variables to store the input form data through Data From in tagoio's dashoboard.

How do I create new variables? Do I need to create another device? or can I use the iSpindel device itself to create new variables?

Well, the idea of ​​creating new variables is to assign the maximum and minimum temperature of the temperature and compare it with the iSpindel temperature mqtt topic to perform an action through an analysis and send a mqtt topic to the ESP32 to trigger a relay. Can you help me ?