How to create geofences in the map widget with muliple devices

How to create geofences in the map widget with muliple devices

@Steven Flaxman


I am having a problem setting up geofences with multiple devices as laid out below.
I agree you can add many devices within a geofence on the map widget and all will look fine as below.


The problem comes in when you try to store the geofence meta data in the bucket of each device as I will try to show bellow.

Here you add the devices and the variable where the location data is stored in the bucket for each device….no problem.add device

Here you are meant to be able to add the device and the variable for the geofence in the bucket for each device but you encounter a problem.add geofence1

Although you can see all the devices you can only save one device with its variable in this case “inside_geo”
add geofence2

What this means is that although you may have many devices only one device has the geofence.
When you run analytics with the device with the geofence stored in its bucket you can create notifications to the user.
E.g. “Tracker_001” with geofence variable “inside_geo”

When you run analytics with any other device you cannot create notifications to the user.
E.g. “ Tracker_002” unable to save variable.

Our work around has been to add the geofence meta data for each device manually using the device emulator.
This is impractical with 300 devices and will not allow for users to edit their own geofences.

Any advice will be appreciated.
