How to add the device name to an action notification

How to add the device name to an action notification

I have gps collars on sheep sending GPS location data to TagoIO.
I use the map widget to display the the gps collars. The user is able to setup geofences and i use actions to push notifications to the user when the collar is outside a geofence.
My problem is that the user would like to see what device has breached the geofence. I would like to display the alias name for the device in the notification. Something like "Device #1 has left the geofence". The action allows you to send variables on text using these: 
  • Device: $DEVICE$, variable: $VARIABLE$ with value: $VALUE$ $UNIT$.  At: $TIME$ in $LOCATION$

None of these are suitable, something like $NAME$ would be great.

Anyone have any ideas for a work around for this. I did try to use $DEVICE$ and then display the device id in the infobox but this is not ideal as the numbers are very long and the user would have to have a list on him at all times that links his named collar with the device id. Not good.

Thanks for any help.