How do you use action tag in an analysis

How do you use action tag in an analysis

I am currently facing a problem. I have an Analysis named "Get_Station_Meteo_Data" and it work perfectly. My problem is that I have several simular utilisation of this Analysis.

- I use the Analysis Hourly and I also run it Daily.
- I also collect the weather data for several project.

If I had only 2 or 3 project, it would be fine, but if I intend to do more, it could be annoying. Is it possible to use tag on the action and to use it like how we use environment in the Analysis.

For Exemple, I could have only one Analysis and several Action with the following Tag:
Tag 1 : { "schedule_type" : "1h" }
Tag 2 : { "project_name" : "??????????" }
Tag 3 : { "device_token" : "??????-???????-??????" }
Tag 4 : { "station_id" : "??????????????" }
and  if several station are needed you add other tag.
Tag 5 : { "station_id" : "??????????????" }

I am also open to suggestion if other alternative exist.