** Analysis Example
** Creating devices using dashboard
** Using an Input Widget in the dashboard, you will be able to create devices in your account.
** Use a dummy HTTPs device with the dashboard.
** Environment Variables
** In order to use this analysis, you must setup the Environment Variable table.
** account_token: Your account token. Check bellow how to get this.
** Steps to generate an account_token:
** 2 - Select your Profile.
** 3 - Enter Tokens tab.
** 4 - Generate a new Token with Expires Never.
** 5 - Press the Copy Button and place at the Environment Variables tab of this analysis.
const { Analysis, Account, Utils, Device } = require('@tago-io/sdk');
async function startAnalysis(context, scope) {
if (!scope[0]) {
return context.log('The analysis must be triggered by a widget.');
context.log('Creating your device');
// Get the environment variables.
const env = Utils.envToJson(context.environment);
if (!env.account_token) return context.log('Missing "account_token" environment variable');
else if (env.account_token.length !== 36) return context.log('Invalid "account_token" in the environment variable');
// Instance the Account class
const account = new Account({ token: env.account_token });
// Get the token of the settings device used in the dashboard, then instance the device class.
// We will use this to send the Validation (feedback) to the dashboard.
const dashboard_dev_token = await Utils.getTokenByName(account, scope[0].origin);
const dashboard_device = new Device({ token: dashboard_dev_token });
// Get the variables sent by the widget/dashboard.
const network_id = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'device_network');
const connector_id = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'device_connector');
const device_name = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'device_name');
const device_eui = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'device_eui');
if (!connector_id || !connector_id.value) {
return context.log('Missing "device_connector" in the data scope.');
} else if (!network_id || !network_id.value) {
return context.log('Missing "device_network" in the data scope.');
} else if (!device_eui || !device_eui.value) {
return context.log('Missing "device_eui" in the data scope.');
const result = await account.devices.create({
name: device_name.value,
// Serie number is the parameter for device eui, sigfox id, etc..
serie_number: device_eui.value,
tags: [
// You can add custom tags here.
{ key: 'type', value: 'sensor' },
{ key: 'device_eui', value: device_eui.value },
connector: connector_id.value,
network: network_id.value,
active: true,
type: "immutable"
}).catch((error) => {
// Send the validation to the device.
// That way we create an error in the dashboard for feedback.
dashboard_device.sendData({ variable: 'validation', value: `Error when creating the device ${error}`, metadata: { color: 'red' } });
throw error;
// To add Configuration Parameters to the device:
account.devices.paramSet(result.device_id, { key: 'param_key', value: '10', sent: false });
// To add any data to the device that was just created:
// const device = new Device({ token: result.token });
// device.sendData({ variable: 'temperature', value: 17 });
// Send feedback to the dashboard:
dashboard_device.sendData({ variable: 'validation', value: 'Device succesfully created!', metadata: { type: 'success' } });
context.log(`Device succesfully created. ID: ${result.device_id}`);
module.exports = new Analysis(startAnalysis);
Thank you in advance,