Dear Team,
I downloaded the analysis from the TagoIO website for sending the DL to the TTN-V2 using widget.
When i run the analysis i am not getting the output, the console is showing as follows:
[2021-04-22 13:52:14] Downlink analysis started
[2021-04-22 13:52:14] {}
[2021-04-22 13:52:14] Starting analysis 60810b154d63290018c72b7c
Here is my script and the Environment variables i use.
const { Analysis, Account, Utils } = require('@tago-io/sdk');
const axios = require('axios');
async function init(context, scope) {
if (!scope[0]) return context.log('This analysis must be triggered by a widget.');
context.log('Downlink analysis started');
// Get the environment variables.
const env = Utils.envToJson(context.environment);
if (!env.account_token) return context.log('Missing "account_token" environment variable');
else if (env.account_token.length !== 36) return context.log('Invalid "account_token" in the environment variable');
// Instance the Account class
const account = new Account({ token: env.account_token });
// Get the variables form_payload and form_port sent by the widget/dashboard. //const payload = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'form_payload') || { value: env.payload, origin: env.device_id };
const port = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'form_port') || { value: env.default_PORT };
const unit1 = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'unit1') || {value: env.unit1};
const unit2 = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'unit2') || {value: env.unit2};
const time1 = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'time1') || {value: env.time1};
const time2 = scope.find(x => x.variable === 'time2') || {value: env.time2};
if (!payload || !payload.value || !payload.origin) return context.log('Missing "form_payload" in the data scope.');
else if (!port || !port.value) return context.log('Missing "form_port" in the data scope.');
const device_id = env.device_id; // All variables that trigger the analysis have the "origin" parameter, with the TagoIO Device ID.
if (!device_id) return context.log('Device ID <origin> not found in the variables sent by the widget/dashboard.');
// Find the token containing the authorization code used. const device_tokens = await account.devices.tokenList(device_id, { page: 1, fields: ['name', 'serie_number', 'last_authorization'], amount: 10 });
const token = device_tokens.find(x => x.serie_number && x.last_authorization); if (!token) return context.log("Couldn't find a token with serial/authorization for this device");
// Get the connector ID from the device
const { network: network_id } = await;
if (!network_id) return context.log('Device is not using a network.');
// Get the network information with the NS URL for the Downlink
const network = await, ['id', 'middleware_endpoint', "name"]);
if (!network.middleware_endpoint) return context.log("Couldn't find a network middleware for this device.");
// Set the parameters for the device. Some NS like Everynet need this.
const params = await account.devices.paramList(device_id);
let downlink_param = params.find(x => x.key === 'downlink');
downlink_param = { id: downlink_param ? : null, key: 'downlink', value: String(payload.value), sent: false };
await account.devices.paramSet(device_id, downlink_param);
context.log('Trying to send the downlink');
const data = {
device: token.serie_number,
authorization: token.last_authorization,
port: port.value,
unit1: parseInt(unit1.value),
time1: parseInt(time1.value),
unit2: parseInt(unit2.value),
time2: parseInt(time2.value),}
await`https://${network.middleware_endpoint}/downlink`, data)
.then((result) => {
context.log(`Downlink accepted with status ${result.status}`);
.catch((error) => {
context.log(`Downlink failed with status ${error.response.status}`);
context.log( || JSON.stringify(error));
module.exports = new Analysis(init);
Environment varibales:
account_token: xxxx
default_PORT: 11
device_id: xxxx
unit1: unit1
time1: time1
unit2: 0
time2: 0
can any one help me on this? My downlink is not arriving in the TTN.