You guys have been great helping out on here, so I thought I’d drop some code that someone else could use. This analysis will run through every device in an account that has a tag “Watch” set to value “True” It will check the time stamp of the last data entry and if it’s over 2 hours old, it’ll send an email alert indicating that device is not online.
from tago import Account from tago import Analysis from tago import Services import tago from datetime import datetime,timezone from dateutil import parser def getDate(devID): my_device = tago.Device(devID) name=device_info['result']['name'] ds_result = my_device.find({ 'variable': 'datestamp', 'qty': 1 }) lastdate=ds_result['result'][0]['time'] nowtime = lasttime=parser.parse(lastdate).replace(microsecond=0) difftime=(nowtime-lasttime).total_seconds()/3600 return(name,difftime) def myAnalysis(context, scope): # reads the value of account_token from the environment variable account_token = 'MY_ACCOUNT_TOKEN' my_account = Account(account_token) my_filter = { 'tags': [{ 'key': 'watch', 'value': 'True', }], } # Searching all devices with tag we want devices = my_account.devices.list(1, ['id', 'tags'], my_filter, 10000) if devices['status'] is True: for d in devices['result']: device_token_list = my_account.devices.tokenList(d['id']) tokeninfo=device_token_list['result'][0] devtoken=tokeninfo['token'] mydevicename,mydeviceage=getDate(devtoken) context.log(mydevicename,mydeviceage) email = Services(context.token).email to = '' subject = 'Delayed Data '+mydevicename message = 'Looks like mydevice '+mydevicename+' is down. \n Data is '+str(int(mydeviceage))+' hours old.' email_origin = '' # Printing response if mydeviceage >2.0: response=email.send(to, subject, message, email_origin, None, None, None) context.log(response) else: context.log(devices['message']) # Error (if status is False) # The analysis token in only necessary to run the analysis outside TagoIO Analysis('MY-ANALYSIS-TOKEN-HERE').init(myAnalysis)