Customizing email templates for your TagoRUN

Customizing email templates for your TagoRUN

@Kelvin Welter

Email templates

Did you know that you can customize the email templates of your TagoRUN application? Because many developers are unaware of this fact, I will show you how you can do this. To do this, just enter the Run menu on the left, and enter the Email Templates tab. You will see that you can customize the “Welcome” email, and the “Password recovery” email.

Tip: You will find that TagoIO already provides a default template. However, you can customize the way you need it, you can do things such as add a picture of your company logo or links.

A really nice option that you have available is that you can use the markdown language in your email while customizing it. I strongly suggest that you customize your email with this syntax and with images.

Tip: The best way to test your application emails is using the “Send test e-mail” button. This will send the message you configured to your inbox for testing purposes. You don’t need to save the message to test it.

Tip: You can upload your company logo image to your TagoIO Account Files and use it from the image link from there to place it in your emails, just be sure to set the file as …… public first.(option in the file….)

I hope you have taken advantage of this post and can customize your email templates to make them the image of your company, so if you have questions about any point in the post, just let me know.
