I am trying to connect a NodeMCU Esp 8266 device sending just one variable to a Tago Device I have created.
I have used the Custom HTTP POST for this device.
It seems everything is working correctly, after the settings in Tago.
Now I get this info on my Serial monitor (Arduino):
Conectado na Tago.io!
Post via HTTP POST: POST /data HTTP/1.1
Host: api.tago.io
Device-Token: 6d0f9b65-1470-4937-8b7c-816e0d2c65b4
_ssl: false
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 33
POST /data HTTP/1.1
Host: api.tago.io
Device-Token: 6d0f9b65-1470-4937-8b7c-816e0d2c65b4
_ssl: false
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 33
Timeout !
Timeout ! is sent by the Arduino sketch.
Question: how do I make sure my content is sent to the correct variable in the device bucket?
I cannot see any variable with the name my sketch program is sending. And I don´t find any place where I can create a new variable in the Bucket area. Or any other part of Tago.
Help please.
We have had a Tago subscription for some months now. We would like to use it for our tests and for our future clients.
But I don´t seem to get past the basics! Sorry for that but help will be appreciated.
Itajai - SC - Brazil