API device data request for multiple variables.

API device data request for multiple variables.


What would be the syntax to request the values of multiple variables using the API .../data call? 
I used the example and changed the variable name into an array of variables, but, as expected, that didn't work. 

Or should I 'just' get all the variables (w/o the filter) and then pick the ones needed from the result?

This is the example query I am referring to.
  1. curl --location --request GET 'https://api.tago.io/data?variable=temperature&device=612ea1694035dd0012f6d238&group=1631814703672&ids=6143842f561c4e00199f517b&value=-11.67&query=last _item&qty=20&details=true&ordination=descending&skip=10' \
  2. --header 'device-token: b4766ce8-7d31-cdbb-548d-c0bcb71fbf8f'

Kind Regards,
