Missing "analysis_token" environment variable: External Analysis Togo-SDK
Hi Folks! I am trying to run external analysis from a Tago SDK on Python, but I'm encountering an issue: 'Missing "analysis_token" environment variable' even though I've set the token parameter. Connected to TagoIO, Getting analysis information... Analysis
Multi-line and inline formatting text widget options
Hello, I have some JSON data I want to display in a text widget, ideally across multiple lines. Is it possible to apply a formula like JSON.stringify($METADATA.myjson$) for say a Display Widget? Alternatively is there a widget that supports displaying
Topic and Payload non-platform standard
I want to work with the following topic and payload: 023-06-28 22:53:27: [MQTT] Device publish {"topic":"Advantech/74FE486BAA2A/data","payload":"{\"s\":7,\"t\":\"2023-06-29T01:53:27Z\",\"q\":192,\"c\":0,\"di1\":false,\"di2\":false,\"do1\":false,\"do2\":false,\"ai1\":0.000,\"ai_st1\":4,\"ai2\":0.000,\"ai_st2\":4}","qos":1,"isHex":false,"bucket":"6499c4e835b04a000efbad2e","messageId":3400}
Input Control Widget Confirmation
Hello, This would be very easy to add and I believe necessary. The input control widget currently does not have a confirmation dialog box that pops up when you hit the button. I need this so someone can be sure and not submit anything on accident.
Multiple Variables in Custom Widget
Hello everyone! I'm trying to build a custom widget (just for extra information, it's a graph whose data points will derive from a calculation involving data from multiple variables of the same device bucket) and i'm having trouble extracting data from
Range of scale for multiples Axes
Hopefully someone can help. Need to config a graph with 2 axis where I want to set the range of the scale of each axis. I can select it fixed instead of dynamic and it applies for both sides, but I couldn't find a way to set up the range for each axis
Linking to blueprint device dashboard with an internal link
Hi everyone, Last week I worked on creating a blueprint overview dashboard to show the last known locations of every tracker and storing that in a dummy device with a mutable bucket (following this post here). Now I wanted to add a link to the device
HTTP GET request to Tago Core API with advanced parameters
Hi! I send request: curl --location '' \ --header 'device-token: 953a6fa8-ac1b-456f-XXXX-11b32211a871' And in output I see: {"status":true,"result":[{"id":"710a50f15b0740cbe03565ef","device":"710a20c6b8f8efaa06a51bce","group":"c6b5104b1d28af9252d4a017","time":"2024-03-14T15:03:29.317Z","value":"user01","variable":"myvar"}]}
Widget in Map Infobox
Hello everybody! I'd like to know if there's a way to put some visual information on my infoboxes within my Map widget. Is this possible or would i have to create a custom map widget from scratch in order to implement this feature? Thanks!
Data record
i have a question? If the data record fill up, the TAGO application will no longer give me data or the data will simply be deleted and data transmission will restart.
How to access Device query using listDevice ?
Hi, I am trying to use filter in listDevice to access device query but the function is returning query object of other device. Expected Device ID and returned device ID does not match. I have used filter in Java script works fine but in python script
minimum value Y axis auto-scale not working
Hi we are recently finding that setting 'Dynamic' scaling option for the Y-axis only works for the upper limit and set the minimum to zero. Is there any fix for this?
Connector or Network Payload Parser Logging?
I am working on a custom payload parser that will run on my connector. If I use a console.log, where is this information printed? My code isnt running, but I am having a hard time troubleshooting without logs....
Cylinder Widget - Range from variables
Hello, I am trying to utilize the Cylinder Widget. The user will need to specify the max height of their tank. My original plan was to utilize the Input Control module, but I am not sure if that is correct. What is the proper way to ask the user to input
Payload parser
Hi, I am trying to get a payload parser together to exclude some variables from a bucket. Can anyone see a reason for this not working and where I am going wrong? Many thanks. //ignore certain variable const ignore_vars = [ 'lora_bandwidth', 'txinfo_frequency',
Change Variable if Date is today
Hello, is there a sample how I can change a value of a variable of an Device when the date is the same from antoher variable of the Date? Thanks Fabian
Is it possible to use python librairy (like NumPy)?
I am currently making an analysis who read the data collected throught device, interpolate them and save the data as a png who will be used in a custom widget. In order to interpolate my data, I intended to use the interpolation function of NumPy since
Create device using analysis
Hi. Is it possible to create a device using TagoCore analysis? Even though I have @tago-io/sdk installed on TagoCore, I am unable to use its resources because I cannot generate an account token on TagoCore. How to overcome this problem? Any help is appreciated.
immutable to mutable bucket
We recently had to add an additional variable to be used for our solution. The initial setup is using an immutable bucket with a retention of 1 year. However, with the additional variable we need to change strategy. The 2 variables need to have different
I Want a value of a variabel to not exceed an other value of an other variable
How to make the value of the variable in one incremental step dont exceed the value of an other variabel in other incremental step. Exemple: My user willl select ther max value and the minimum value, I dont want the system to let him put the minimum bigger
Unique ID
I have a dynamic Table, and I want to generate for every entry an unique ID. Its also possible to generate it with an extra button in the Table Control. I dont know how I can get the date in my Analysis to handle to automated generation. Maybe somebody
Send Email by Analysis
Hey guys! I have this analysis that is being used to trigger an email and an SMS according to the established condition. It happens that the analysis runs without any errors, but the email or SMS does not arrive. I have already enabled permissions in
Analysis: device.sendData() requiring mqtt_topic
Hello! I have been testing the analysis code below and it is outputting this error: [2024-03-06 12:18:46] Error when inserting: Function Parse Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'mqtt_topic') /* * Analysis Example * Operate
Is it possible to open a dashbaord directly in fullscreen with an additional url parameter? We want to show the dashboard on a TV and need the fullscreen of the Dashboard. Thanks Fabian
How to use Device Value in Hidden Field Form
Hello, how I can use a value from my device Source in a hidden field in a form? Is there any Chance... I want to insert a pre defiened Number from another Form, to add it to a table.. Thanks Fabian
Custom Widget Variables / Dictionary Variables
Hello, I have created a custom widget that pulls weather data. This is being used on a Blueprint Dashboard. I am trying to display local weather information based on the Lat/Long from the GPS tracking device. How can the Custom Widget access variables
Access the device token through the device_id
Hey guys. I'm trying to develop an analysis that captures all the devices I have at once. I was able to get the ID of all of them, but to access the variables, I need access to the token. But I'm not finding a way to access the token by ID. Is it possible
Chart Style Improvement Ideas
Hello, I'm loving the improved chart functionality and just have a few additional feature requests. 1) We're using a multiple axis chart and would prefer to use a fixed axis. However, it appears that the scale of the fixed axis applies to both Y axis
Widget to show html information from windy.com
@Andrew Sevil Hi, I’m not sure if this is possible, but I was wanting to add a widget to a weather station dashboard showing forecast etc from windy.com Here is the example they give to copy the html for it to display. Windy: Wind map & weather forecast
Is it possible to remove the stroke on the Layer GIS?
I need to separate several region and I intend to use Layer GIS from the map widget for this. When I zoom back, the stroke appear bigger and it doesn't suit my need. Currently, with my test, I obtain something like that: I want to have something like
Cayenne Parser
Hello coleague, I am changing my devices to LoRaWAN and intend to use the LPP Cayenne payload format. Please, does Tago platform has the support to parse this format? How can I do that? Thank you, Iaran
Multi Select User for Notification
Is it possible to select multiple Users for the Notification? This would be helpful to add :D
Custom Widget - iFrame - Not loading
I am trying to utilize a Custom Widget (iFrame) to pull local weather conditions from the national weather service. I have input the URL of the iframe and clicked save. However, when I view the dash board, nothing loads for this widget. I am not trying
How do you use action tag in an analysis
I am currently facing a problem. I have an Analysis named "Get_Station_Meteo_Data" and it work perfectly. My problem is that I have several simular utilisation of this Analysis. - I use the Analysis Hourly and I also run it Daily. - I also collect the
Analysis Error Handling
Hi I handle my local errors like this async function Night(context, scope) { try { // ... (your existing Night function code) } catch (error) { context.log('Error in Night function:', error.message); } } // The function myAnalysis will run when you execute
Data Export Overview
This tutorial is deprecated; please check the updated version here: Data Export @Kelvin Welter Data export on the TagoIO platform has been designed to be as easy as possible to provide agility and convenience for the user to export data in several formats.
Authorization Denied - Sending Email Through Analysis
For some reason I cannot send an email through analysis. Here is my code where I create a user and then want to send them a welcome email. I have an access policy where this analysis is allowed to send emails but I still get authorization denied. Any
Downlink Analysis Problem
Hello, i wrote this script for sending a downlink to an blueprint device: const { Account, Resources, Analysis, Device, Utils, Services } = require("@tago-io/sdk"); async function updateTag(context, scope) { // Requires scope to know what device and what
Everynet JSON Payload Parser
@Ronaldo Oliveira Hi, In my application I receive a Everyney JSON like this: {
"type": "uplink",
"meta": {
"network": "358b679dd88d47948f6e108677b4b79a",
"packet_hash": "59a23fd7ac449263f7b56ed81830fde0",
"application": "9405bbc000000002",
Splitting Payload of Device
Hello, How I can Split the payloads to represent how many times a Button pressed in one month. I want to use the pie Chart, to Show different States. Thanks Fabian
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