Parsing MQTT payload into Tago JSON
@Nick Hello, Can you help me parse the payload below into Tago JSON format? This is what i’m receiving in Live inspector. 21:16:36: [POST] MQTT Request: “From: ::ffff: - Content-Type: JSON - Token Ending: d38c5” “From: ::ffff: - Content-Type:
Receive notifications between timed events
@Mark Manning Hi There. Is it possible to get a notification when the time duration between one event happening and another takes longer than 20 minutes for example? E.g. we are monitoring a boiler for vibration events, an event occurs at 9am but the
Send a variable to device
@Adams Zeidler Hello , I need to send a setpoint to the device using MQTT message action. I believe I should first save the setpoint to a variable and then send the variable to the device using a JSON payload. The explanation on how to include a variable
New feature: edit Dynamic Table fields in a modal
@Aline Tusi A new feature was released for the Dynamic Table widget. Now you will be able to edit each field in a modal individually. However, to activate this feature you will need to give this control for your user on the widget configuration. Go to
Esp32 + Sensor DS18B20
@Maxwell Rodrigues Ferreira Good morning, any project with ds18b20 sensor and ESP32?
Using address feature on Dynamic Table
@Aline Tusi On this tutorial, I’m going to show how you can change addresses on your Dynamic Table widget. This feature is very useful and could optimize your work. Let’s follow the steps below: You will need to create the Dynamic Table widget as usual,
Base64 encoding and decoding
@Ronaldo Oliveira Hello, I’m a new user and I’m registering a new device. My device is connected through Everynet (ATC Brazil), and the payload is encoding in Base64. How can I do the parse in my payload to view my variables? Below an exemple about my
TagoIO Data Structure Details
@Kelvin Welter Today, I will show you a little more about something that many TagoIO users are not aware of: the TagoIO data structure. Knowing the TagoIO data structure is essential for you to develop an application that can utilize as much of the platform
Arduino Ethernet connection to TagIO library, example?
@Morten mo Is it possible to make Arduino Ethernet library or tutorial? there is only arduino wifi tutorial… TagoIO Arduino - TagoIO ... But i want to use arduino Uno or Mega+Ethernet
How to onboard Bosch XDK into Tago
@Nick What is the process to onboard a physical Bosch XDK into Tago. The idea is to connect the Bosch device thru Bluetooth to my cell phone and then access the Tago server in the cloud. Any help? I need to get the environmental readings from the sensor
Python + Multiple CSV files + Mobile Dashboard
@Marcelo Campos Silva Hello. I am evaluating some application and this is what I need: Have multiple csv files on the cloud (under GDrive), let’s say, one file every 3 days of data acquisition. Script running unde Tago engine/cloud capable of indexing
Type of action - Save to variable
@Ivanov Chugun I have a suggestion to add a handy feature to the platform. In the list type of action you need to add an item Save to variable. Then after triggering the variable does not send data to the device, but modifies the value in the variable.
How to store data retrieved on tago to csv files
@Mike Ojo How do i retrieve a stored data to csv files.
How to configure Widget map?
@Simón Costantino Hello, we have a problem to configure widget map. We need to put 2 locations in the map, from 2 diferents devices and we want to change the pin color in function of the variable state (for example if a variable is “1”, we want to paint
How to integrate TagoIO with CityKinect LoRaWAN
@Shaun Connor To integrate your TagoIO platform with CityKinect: Create, or have CityKinect create an integration account for your application. Have CityKinect create an integration token for this account. Within TagoIO: on the Devices screen, click the
How to transfer dashboards and callbacks to another account?
@Simón Costantino We have been create a dashboards and callbacks from the e-mail n°1, how can we do to transfer all of the configurations of that dashboard to the e-mail n°2 ? Because we need to use the e-mail n°2, we don´t want to use the e-mail n°1,
Sending downlink to a TTN device from a Button widget
@Kelvin Welter Many users are unaware that it is possible to downlink a device from a Push Button widget on a dashboard. Today, I will show you how to downlink from a Push Button widget to a TTN device. To get started, let’s define the steps required
How to read data from a spreadsheet using analysis
@Iago Moreira I’m trying to read data from a spreadsheet, like in the youtube tutorial but i’m getting a console error: [2020-01-16 15:22:26] Invalid variable name, it must contain at least 1 characters
[2020-01-16 15:22:26] Running script
Adding feedback message to Users using Validation field on Input Forms
@Kelvin Welter Validation Currently, the vast majority of TagoIO users are not aware of the Validation feature that can be used to bring a better user experience. But, what is Validation? Validation is a type of field that can be used in your Input Form,
How to create a check-in status verification for your devices
@Kelvin Welter Check-in Status One very important thing to monitor in an IoT application is the connection of sensors/devices with TagoIO. You may want to know if a device checkin in the last X minutes or X hours; if the device didn’t send any data or
Geofences on Image Marker
@Faris Ramli Can I create geofences on Image Marker? And put alarm notifications whenever there is a breach?
Sending metadata on image marker and compose
@Faris Ramli I try to sent x&y metadata on image marker and compose widgets but to no avail. How can I do this?
New Widgets to connect to a camera
@Tulio Souza As an improvement proposal, is it possible to create a new widget that allows connectivity to a camera DVR system? Regards, Tulio Souza
Plotting metadata x and y
@Faris Ramli Hi. I wanted to plot metadata x and y on charts. However, it did not have metadata option, only variables. Is it possible thou?
Input widget and device emulator
@Faris Ramli I have created a step up input widget to ease myself in sending data to the devices. However, after that, when I try to sent new data using device emulator, the platform did not give me authorization to do that (Authorization denied). Is
Generate Time Filter
@Faris Ramli How can I make time filter on the chart widgets. I wish to display the data in a period of time (day, week, month, year, etc.)
Creating random data on devices
@Faris Ramli How can I make the devices generate random data on its own?
Dwell Time Notifications
@Faris Ramli How can I create an alert notification when some device remain idle for a period of time on Image marker widget and map widget?
Devices Notification
@Faris Ramli I wanted to count how many devices that is sending data on the dashboard and display the information as Icons widget (picture). When the devices have stop sending data for a period of time, a notification alert will be created. However, all
Image and Image Marker widget
@Faris Ramli Is it two different things with two different capabilities? How can I upload image on image marker?
Data emulator Authorization Denid
@Faris Ramli I have changed a device bucket and try to use data emulator to send data. However, I did not have the required authorization (Authorization Denied). How can I fix this?
Geofence Event trigger email
@Edward Warwick-Oliver I am trying to work out how to get a geofence event ( i.e moved outside geofence) to trigger an email. I have used actions before but do I have to use analysis? If so do you have an example snippet. It takes me ages to work out
Reducing Data Input usage with your own parser
@Kelvin Welter I will give some tips of how to reduce the usage of your Data Input service by ignoring some irrelevant variables sent by your devices. Data Input service Each time a device sends data to TagoIO, the system will count 1 Data Input Transaction
Tips and tricks to customize your TagoRUN sidebar
@Kelvin Welter The importance of your TagoRUN sidebar The sidebar of your TagoRUN application is very important to make the user experience better, as this usability directly influences the user’s opinion of your TagoRUN. Here you can see an example of
Can the dashboard display data in realtime?
@Faris Ramli Can the dashboard display information on real time? Or refreshed information for every seconds.
How to create tracking widget for indoor map?
@Faris Ramli How to create tracking widget for indoor map?
RadioBridge And Dingtek Sensors
@Daniel Burton Has anyone fully integrated RadioBridge and Dingtek sensors? They have support for the Dingtek waste bin sensor but im specifically looking for the ultrasonic liquid level and car park sensors. Thanks!
LT33222L I/O controller
@Mohammed Almuzayyen I have LT3322L I/O controller how i can send payload massage to the device.
Receiving notifications when new Users sign up (Resource Type)
@Aline Tusi You can use Actions to send notifications when something happens in your account, for example, when a new RUN user is created the action will be triggered and it will be sending a notification to you. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you
Trigger Unlock - what is it good for?
@Fabioer I common question that I receive about the Actions is 'When do I need to set the field ‘Trigger Unlock?’ First, you need to know that Trigger Unlock is used to avoid that your Action will be continuously triggered when the ‘Trigger’ condition
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