Custom Widget: How to access the "Data from" data inside the custom widget
Team, I would like to make a SIMPLE custom widget. I have attached a file below. The idea is to have more flexibility for onscreen display and the infobox than the image marker widget allows. Since the script is for monitoring water moisture on an orchard,
Hello Simple question , sometimes i am using analisys to create user, i have an issue to provide correct timezone into user account. Tried "Europa/Warsaw" Tried "Warsaw" but always it doest not add it to created user. const userData = { active: true,
Issue with Asset Paths in Vite + Svelte Project Deployed to TagoIO (Barebones Widget Example)
Hello TagoIO Team, I am currently working on a Vite + Svelte application and am integrating it as a custom widget in TagoIO. I've created a barebones widget to get started, but I encountered an issue with asset paths when deploying the application to
RUN APP Swiping
Once in a dashboard it would be nice to be able to swipe left/right between tabs.
Dashboard Group Dropdown RUN APP
In the web app if you click a dashboard tag group it will rotate the arrow down and list out all of the dashboards in that group without navigating to another page unlike the run app. It would be great if the run app would function the same.
Analysis Tags
How do you access the analysis tags using the new SDK?
New Secrets Feature
Hello TagoIO community! We are excited to announce a new feature called Secrets! Our goal with secrets is to allow you to protect confidential information you might need to use within your Analysis. Secrets allows you to add confidential information like
How to integrate with WiTTRA
This guide will walk you through the process of integrating any device with the WiTTRA Network and TagoIO. By following the steps outlined below, you will be able to set up your device for uplink operations. Uplink Configuration To configure uplink communication,
Folders for Actions & Analysis
Hello, It would be nice if there was an ability to create folders in the actions and analysis sections to organize them.
Analysis With Data in Bucket
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to create an analysis script with all the data that is in a bucket of a device, for example, I have current values and I want to calculate energy consumption, inserting voltage and power factor data. power
Update device params through widgets
Hello everybody! I'd like to know if is it possible to alter a device's parameters using widgets such as input form or input control. For context, i'm using the device parameters to pass values to my payload parser and i'd like to give my users a easier
Action Trigger
I would like to trigger an action on variable change AND if its night time. Why do actions only give you an OR option?
Error Data Added
I'm adding a payload parser on my device to insert the data into the bucket. It turns out that the variable ends up returning an object error, and the modified data is already in a string. What could be happening? My Payload Parser: const myDevice = raw_payload[0].device.replace(/
Limits for Tags, Environment Variables and Device Parameters
Hi everyone, Many of our developers use the Tag system, Device parameters, and Environment variables within TagoIO to create IoT solutions, enabling them to explore a wide range of possibilities. However, each features has specific limits in place to
Access management and dashboard
Hello, I meet a problem, I'm on a system where I have a specific type of dashbord for each user and concerning access I would like to be able to allow each user to only have access to the dashbord that has the same tag as him without having to deny him
Blueprint Dashboard Map Widget
Hello. I'm trying to set up the "map widget" so that the end user can only see their "pins" on the map. At this point, the end user can only select their devices from a drop-down list. What is the way to make him see all the pins at once?
Downsampling in graphs
It seems that from a while there's no downsampling option in graph widgets, perhaps the option was moved somewhere else or what? Currently I have no way of seeing lots of data points without exporting the data to excel. There it was a downsampling for
const { Analysis, Device } = require('@tago-io/sdk'); const axios = require('axios'); // Import axios library async function startAnalysis(context, scope) { console.log('Analysis started, preparing command...'); // Command to send to the device const
Use lora gps time on map
Hello tago team, I am developing an online and offline equipment tracking application. Everything works well when it is online because it uses the time assigned by tagoio. but in cases where it is offline and when it reconnects to send the saved data,
Update csv file from analisys
Hello. I want every day export data from sensor from 10:00 to 11:00 and store it in files in csv. I want use it analisys for it. Question is, do I need to create every day separate csv file or is there any method update existing csv file
Expression in Start and End date
Hello. I would like to know if there is any way to use regular expressions to work with dates in the tago platform. Being more specific in the start_date and end_date. Here is the line of code that I would like to leave with the expression: const dados_fevereiro
Connection refused, invalid payload. Using C-Curl
Hello, I am trying to upload data (json) to TagoIO from a C code using Curl but I got some issue. If I try to upload it through Python the same json file it works properly. function to upload data to tagoio void sendJsonFile(const std::string& filePath,
Multiple device on normal dashboard for a push button widget
Is there a way for me to use an analysis script or anything else for my normal dashboard that uses a push button widget to get data from multiple devices with the same tag keys and values?
how to trigger an analysis from within inside running analysis
Hello, I'm trying to trigger an analysis from inside another analysis. I've found and trying to use it. But I'm having issues initiating new Analyses class.. what is the format, what parameters does
Connect Tagocore with - not possible
Hello, I have a tagocore installation running and have integrated the first sensors from the TTN. This also works, I would now like to establish the connection to at the same time. TagoCore is installed in the current version on a LINUX server.
Group in Graphic bar
Hi! Could you tell me why it is not possible to display the group name in the vertical bar graph? It only shows the value of my variable instead of showing the group name, just like when I'm in edit mode. My variable already has the group name defined,
Automatically download and delete a device chunk with analysis
Has anyone set up some up some sort of automation to create a chunk file and delete the chunk per device? It looks like I can set up an action on the 1st of every month to run an analysis. Ultimately I want to send that file to an external bucket. Open
Copying files from Tago Files to AWS S3 Storage
Hello, One of our clients requires us to make backup copies of Tago files in their AWS S3 storage. I know Tago is AWS based. All of the nodejs examples I can find require the AWS-SDK library which I don't think is available in regular analysis code. Two
Request for help with creating automation
Hello, I would like to ask you for help in creating an automation. I have this door contact Even if the door is not opened, the device will send a message once
Dynamic table and GPS co-ordinates
I have created a dynamic table which contains a column containing Location GPS coordinates for the sensing record (see attached image) What I would like to provide to user is the ability to click on the location gps co-ordinate and show the location on
Authorization denied - Sending Downlink using dashboard through Analysis
Hi TagoIO Team I have tried to use the updated snippet code example provided for "Sending Downlink using dashboard": /* ** Analysis Example ** Sending downlink using dashboard ** ** Using an Input Widget in the dashboard, you will be able to trigger a
To find if email exist.
Hello , Can i check by analisys if email/user already exist ? Can`t find it in documentation
Sum of data for a selected time period?
@Andrew Sevil Hi, is it possible to have a widget display the total of a variable over a time period specified by the widget? So if I set the widget to show the last 7 days of a variable (lets say rainfall), the result is the total of the period dis
Raw Payload
Hello everyone! I need your help. I'm connecting a device via MQTT but I'm having a problem entering the data. I've already connected another device to the tago and it was pretty smooth, but this one is giving me these problems below in the photos: The
Payload error
Hola, Estoy intentando analizar la carga útil pero me envía un error. ¿Podrías decirme qué estoy haciendo mal? Datos: [ { "variable": "chirpstack_payload", "value": "{\"devAddr\":\"007cf8e1\",\"fCnt\":2234,\"fPort\":2,\"deduplicationId\": \"47c02bcb-9954-4d0f-b51b-8d5eb34f008d\",\"time\":\"2024-03-30T17:24:49.610374+00:00\",\"deviceInfo\":{\"tenantId\"
Link device with bluedash using analisys
Hello, We are adding devices using input form and trigger analisys to do it. Is it possible to link device to specific bluedash using analisys ? For example if device has parameter/tag A. It will be linked and connected to bluedashboard - A If device
How to integrate with KPN Things Network
This guide will walk you through the process of integrating a LoRaWan device with the KPN Network and TagoIO. By following the steps outlined below, you will be able to set up your device for both uplink and downlink operations, enabling seamless data
To know the number of emails used by each run user
Good day, I would like to know if there is any code for an analysis to be able to know the amount of emails sent by the run user. Let me explain: each end user can send a csv through a widget, but I would like to limit the amount of emails that can be
Custom "No Directory" Widget
After cloning the repository to test, when I try to follow the steps I get an error like "directory" does not exist.
Maps widget with a circle around the location
Dear all, I had to draw a circle around the device last location and did some workaround: 1. added a variable to the payload, "range" as a fence format: { "variable": "range", "value": "Range: 36.75", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -46.63629,
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